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"My lovers got humor , She's the giggle at a funeral"

"With everybody's disapproval , I should've worshipped her sooner"

"If the heavens ever did speak , she's the last true mouthpiece"

"Every Sunday's getting morbidly , fresh poison each week"

I sighed as I turned over and grabbed my phone off my charger and turned off my alarm.

You know those days when you just wanna lay in bed for hours instead of getting up ? I was currently debating moving or skipping today.

I decided that I would go to school today so I jumped out of bed and pulled on a Marvel muscle tee and some black skinny jeans. I pulled on some grey crew socks and shoved my feet into my black converse and walked downstairs.

I was suprised to see my mother at the table reading the newspaper and eating some toast.

"Mum , what are you doing here ?" I questioned. She just laughed and said "I decided not to go to work today so I'll drop you off to school on the way to the supermarket"

I just shrugged and put a piece of toast in the toaster. We recently bought a new toasted which is glass so you can see the toast being toasted . I went to the fridge and pulled out the butter and the strawberry jam.

I waited for my toast to pop up and buttered it and spread the jam on. I looked at the clock and realised it was 7:45 . "Crap" I muttered i shovelled down my toast and packed my bag , cursing for not packing it the night before like usual.

I ran to the key rack and plopped mums keys down next to her and complained about how I was gonna be late if she didn't hurry up.

She snatched up her keys and went into the garage . She unlocked the car and I got in. Since I lived in engadine , I went to St. John bosco high school. It was 8:00 and school started at 8:30.

We pulled up to my school gates and I said bye to my mum before exiting the car and walking to the gate. Once I was inside the gates , I went to the few shady trees and walked up to my best friend , Jessica who was sitting on the grass on her phone , I sat down and cleared my throat which caused her to look up.

"Oh hey Elle! , I didn't see you there , I was busy texting Ethan" Jessica said. Of course , typical Jessica texting her boyfriend when they were only metres away from eachother. " Apparently there is a new student coming and he's gonna be in your maths class. He's pretty tall and he's really cute , Ethan told me his name but I've forgotten so I suppose you'll have to tell me all about him once you have maths.

I pulled out my diary and realised that I had maths 2nd period, not 4th. I inwardly groaned as I didn't want to be meeting any new people today , especially since Miss Blake , my maths teacher would make everyone make an effort and go up to whoever he is and introduce themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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