Breakfast ended and it was time for that stupid marriage class. We stopped learning about sex Ed seen as we've had a couple of those classes already. Mcgonagall said we'd be doing something different every lesson now. I walked with malfoy to the matrimonium class, we were having civil conversations but it was nothing more than friends. We sat on our usual couch and waited for the class to begin.

Mcgonagall began to talk. All students silenced as she began to tell us what we would be doing today.

"Hello all sixth and seventh year students. Today will be a very productive lesson for all of you, if you do not follow along punishment will be served. We will check at the end of the class to see if you followed along with our instructions. Today each pair will receive a planner. Today we want you to plan a few important dates.

The first date we want you to plan is the date for you first date. You do not have to go on a hogsmeade weekend as long as you have permission from either professor snape or I. The only rules about the date is that it must just be you and your partner, meaning no double dates. And that you don't only have to inform us of the date you are going, but also where you are going.

Us teachers have decided to give you free range to go wherever you wish as long as you inform us. We did this because we know that you all are under so much stress about this law we want to make it easier for you. Oh and one last rule is that you can only go on Friday afternoons or any days on the weekend. The times on the weekend is from 10am-12pm and as for Friday's it will be 4pm-2am."

I looked at malfoy only to see he was looking a me, I wondered where would end up going for our first date. Both of us were very much rich so I assumed it would be fancy and expensive. The only problem was that if it was fancy I didn't have an outfit for that. That means I would have to go out on a hogsmeade weekend so I could shop.

Mcgonagall began to speak again. "The other dates I wish for you to plan are the following, a possible wedding day, a possible engagement party and a possible bachelor or bachelorette party. These don't have to be your final dates but we would like you to start thinking about it. You will have to have all these dates finalised by the end of Friday in three weeks time.

When you receive your planners you will also receive a piece of parchment which will state the deadlines for all these dates. Okay you may begin"

And with a swish of her wand a planner and a pice of parchment appeared in front of me. I looked at malfoy and he motioned for me to grab them.

"Do you want me or you to keep the planner?" I asked malfoy.

"You can have it, I'll just borrow it when I need it." I nodded in reply and looked at the piece of paper, I read out the dates to him.

"We have to have our engagement party by the 1st of November, we have to have or bachelorette/bachelor parties and wedding by February 1st. We also have to finalise our first date within the next two weeks. The final date for our first date is the end of this month." We were a quarter way through September as it was the start of the school year. That meant we have to have our date within around the next twenty days.

Malfoy nodded and spoke up. "Well lets start with our first date, that should be the easy one." I nodded in agreement. He continued, "how about we have it on the upcoming Friday, about a week. There's no point in waiting and I think it could be fun." He smirked, I smiled back.

"Okay, where were you thinking." I quickly scribbled down the date in the planner and looked up at him.

"How about that new être magique restaurant." I had never heard of it before but I liked the sound of it.

"Ooooh, that sounds nice, where is it."

"In France, there's a small wizarding town there." I almost choked, he wanted to take me to the most romantic place in the world on our first date.

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