*Chapter 1: the boy from the backyard*

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[ Lalia's POV: July 26, 12:40 PM ]

I open my eyes to see my dark empty room. my family just moved here a few days ago so not all our furniture has came in yet. i sit up on my bed laying my back against the wall. my mattress on the ground of my room, boxes all around. i unplugged my phone from the charging port then scolled through twitter.

after a few minutes, i go through my boxes and find some running clothes then went to change in my bathroom. brushing my hair and teeth. i grab my airpods then head downstairs to see my family in the kitchen.

"look who finally woke up." my mom says, hugging me

"goodmorning, i'm gonna go for a run." i say grabbing a banana

"morning sweetie. the furniture should be coming today, around 6 they all should be here. and 7 we're having dinner with the Robinson's." my dad said yawning

"cool, did george leave already?" i said eating my banana

"he did, but he'll be back later to help move in the rest of the furniture." my mom replied

"alright see you guys later." i say while kissing them, then heading out the door with my airpods in and phone in my pocket.

i run a few laps around the neighborhood looking at our surroundings. i explored around the different paths and streets to find ways to my house. after 40 minutes of running, i started to walk back to the house. after getting there i sat on the stairs leading up the door for a bit, enjoying the weather.


i heard someone from next door say. why are they so loud? i thought to myself. I then went into the house backyard to do some more exercising. practicing some volleyball while at it. that's when i found out what all the yelling was.

our next door neighbor's son was a youtuber. who would of thought. george's is also a youtuber maybe he knows him. i myself only twitch stream from time to time. i really like gaming though.

from the seems of it, this guys and his friends are filming some type of minecraft in real life.

"tommy why?" i heard this one guy say

tommy? that name sounds oddly familiar. i shake it off then head back into the house to shower and eat some brunch.

around 3 the storage people came and dropped off the rest of our furniture. we mostly threw away everything, but we did keep some stuff. i kept most of my furniture since i felt bad asking for new things.

george came over and helped all of us decorate the house with the existing stuff. my room looked how i liked it to be.

the walls were white and the floor was plain brown wood planks. i had my queen bed in the middle of the left wall. two night stands on the side, across was my dresser and tv. to the side of my bed, i had my desk with my pc set up. opposite of my desk was a couch and a bookshelf. i also has lots of fake plants scattered around. polaroids of my family hanging.

i put my piano and other instruments in my small closet since i don't have stands for them yet. i unpacked all my clothes and other stuff. when i finished it was 6:00, i quickly got ready then headed downstairs to wait for the rest of my family.

george lives in an apartment somewhere else, but he'll be having dinner with us and the other family. besides him, i'll be the only child at this new home. sadly, i won't have anyone to annoy but it's okay because our dog charlie will be here for me to play with.

i'm wearing ripped jeans, a white shirt with a floral spaghetti strap over it. i matched it with my black belt and gold jewelry. i don't have to look fancy, just decent enough to make a good impression.

everyone was finally ready and we walked over to our neighbors. this nice blonde lady opening it and letting us in. we introduced ourselves then went to look around the house. i stayed next to george the entire time since i was a bit anxious meeting new people.

"hey lia, everything is okay. deep breathes. i know you're getting social anxiety. i'm here dw." george said hugging me.

i smiled at him then nodded. heading to the dining room. there i saw him, tommy, the boy from the backyard. i looked at my brother since he seemed shocked.

"tommy?!" george said

"george?" tommy said back

"what?" i said in confusion

by then the parents were all in the kitchen, us three moving into the living room.

tommy: "you're our new neighbor?"

george: "sort of, i mean my family is but i'm not living with them. just came for dinner. i- i didn't know you lived here."

tommy: "i'm just as shocked as you big man" he laughed, "i'm tommy by the way." he said leaving his hand out

lia: "Lalia. nice to meet you, how do you guys know each other?" i ask shaking his hand

george: "tommy's a streamer too. hes in the smp."

lia: "oh cool." i smile, knew it.

george: "i'll leave you guys to talk." he said patting my back

tommy: "so you're george's sister?"

lia: "sounds about right."

tommy: "how come i've never heard of you before?"

lia: "i try to stay out of my brother's stream."

tommy: "well do you stream?"

lia: "i used to a lot, but not recently. it's probably been a few months since my last stream."

tommy: "well you should definitely come on mine sometime. maybe we can stream together."

lia: "yeah totally."

tommy and i talked for a bit more then went to go eat dinner with everyone. the night wasnt too bad, i mean idk tommy seemed nice i guess... we went home then said bye to george. tommy and i exchanged numbers, and had talked to each other a bit more after.

today's been pretty pog actually

published: 10/11/20

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