Chapter Two- Tom

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It was 2:00 in the afternoon, and all I've been hearing for six straight hours is just scream upon scream. Now, I love my fans, but hearing high pitched screeching that I only thought dogs could hear for that long was a lot more tiring than you'd think. But, there was this other girl who stood apart from the crowd.
        She wasn't like the others. Instead of her eyes bulging out of her head upon seeing me like all the other girls around her, they remained in her head, but were drifting towards the ceiling in annoyance quite a bit. I noticed that as she happened to glance towards my table, her eyes rolled a lot more than normal. She was quite beautiful, ravishing even.
         I suddenly had the urge to kiss her. What has gotten into me? This never happens, I don't even know her name! I felt a nudge on the side of my shoulder as the screams became louder and louder, which I didn't think was possible.
         "Hey Tommy," Sebastian greeted, who I now noticed was next to me, along with Anthony.
         "Oh hey," I replied unconsciously, my gaze never leaving the mysterious girl as I continued signing autographs.
        "You're looking at her too, huh?" Anthony asked, a smirk perching on his lips.
         My eyes drifted towards them and I brushed it off. "No, no, I was just looking at the-" I paused to find an excusable distraction. "The sun." I fibbed unconvincingly, knowing I've blown it.
         "The sun?" Sebastian asked quizzically, immediately finding out my lie.
         "You were the sun?" he pondered smilingly, tilting his head in a confused way.
        "Yep. The rays are exceptionally bright today. You can really uh, see the sunbeams." I said, almost phrasing it as a question.
          "You were looking at her, don't deny it," Anthony smiled.
          "Fine, I was. But she's gorgeous, and different. She's not screaming because she's three yards away from me, like all the other girls are. It's almost like she's in pain upon being here. It's weird, but a good weird." I told them, gazing in her direction once more.
         "How about we propose a little bet if you fancy this young lady?" Anthony raised his eyebrow while smirking mischievously.
        "What kind of bet?" I asked curiously, still signing my signature on glossy, 8x10 headshots.
        "If you go ask her out, and she accepts, then you can call us whatever you want.  If she rejects you, we get to pick out a little nickname for you."
         I guess the fame got to my head a bit because I accepted.  The next thing I know, I'm taking a break from greeting fans and then being pushed towards this girl by Anthony and Sebastian. As I approached her, the fangirls' eyes followed.  I took a deep breath and tapped her on the shoulder.
          She spun around and greeted me with gorgeous, bright green eyes that the sunbeams could have literally bounced off of, if there were actual sunbeams of course. I was slightly taken back as she didn't instantly  become paralyzed by fear due to my presence. She stayed in her previous position, while looking a lot more ticked off than before, which I didn't know was possible.
         "Uh hi, I'm Tom," I stupidly introduced, well aware she already knew who I was. She rolled her eyes and let out a scoff.
         "Wow I never would have guessed," she grumbled sarcastically. She let another eye roll slip, this one lingering longer than the last.
         "So, I was watching you from over there and noticed that you aren't coming over," I told her while trying to maintain my cool. I stuffed my shaking hands in my jean pockets, hiding my shaking hands.
         "Creepy stalker much?" she whispered under her breath, loud enough for me to hear.
         "Nononono I wasn't like, watching you watching you. I just happened to notice you and thought you were pretty and seemed very alone." I stuttered, trying to save myself. I knew it was going to head downhill fast if I didn't do something soon.
          My mind flew hundreds of miles per hour with probabilities and outcomes. I could barely even hear what she was saying over my own thoughts. I came back to reality and when I did she was just kind of staring at me, like she expected me to say something. I didn't know what to do and there was so much angst she had towards me for some reason so I did the first thing that came to my mind; I kissed her.
          I have never done anything like this before when just meeting someone for the first time, because literally no one does that! But apparently, I did. I gently released my lips from hers and looked her in the eye as I took a step back. She looked at me with surprise and disgust strewn all over her face and I received a very stinging slap across the side of mine.
         "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!??" she screamed in shock.
         "I'm sorry I just thought that-" I started to say but was cut off by more yelling.
         "WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG! How dare you think you can just go around thinking that all girls long to be kissed by you and having the courage to do it to ones you don't even know the names of! And who just goes up and kisses someone without knowing anything about them? ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!" she yelled, throwing her arms up angrily in the air multiple times.
          She was starting to make a scene and I tried to calm her down but she only got angrier with every attempt. People and press were now forming crowds around us to see what was going on, and I'm sure some happened to get it on video, telling me that this will haunt me for the next five months.
           "Hey, just so you know, the name's April by the way, not that it matters in the slightest to you." she spat in disgust and walked toward my table.
           I saw her grab some girl by the arm and basically drag her away. What had I done? People are going to hound me so bad for this and the worst part is that I did it, not her.

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