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SCP 049 p.o.v.

I was working silently on the infected corpse the fellow doctors had give me when I heard sirens blaring, followed by an anoccment, stating SCP 682 had just breached containment,  and for every one to evacuate the facility.  The door to my cell opened about two minutes later, and I could tell 079 was watching me leave the containment area and begin to make my way towards 035's cell. We knew the plan.  We made the plan last time. It was to meet up with our friends (173, 096, 682, 035, 079, 106, and 053). When I reached his containment area, 079 opened the door.

"Why hello again, my dear doctor!" I heard him say as he looked in my derection.  "How have they been treating you?"

"Not to badly, I suppose." I replied to him, while picking him up out of the glass case they were keeping him in.  I had to find a host for him, so I got to work in finding a suitable one. We talked about anything we could think of to pass the time while looking for anyone,  preferably someone with a keycard.

"Look over there, my dear." I heard mask whisper to me as I turned to see a D-class with a guards keycard. I made quick steps, trying to be as quiet as I could be. By the time he noticed me, I had already shoved 035 onto his face. He took control in less than five minutes and stood up using his new hosts legs. As we made our way down the bloody hallway, we heard crying and the sound of stone scraping the ground. We didn't have to turn around to know which two were there.

"Hello peanut, lanky. How are you, Mon amis?" I asked them. We made our way towards gate B, meeting the others along the way. 682 met us at last. Despite their speed, they took awhile, for them anyways. We watched a small child and a robotic body, with 079 controlling it, climb off their back. We walked out of gate B, knowing where to go from the plan we discussed formerly. England, Little Whinging was the town we would stay in, but for now, we just have to keep running.
Thank you so much for reading my Grimm children!  Stay healthy and stay safe!

Just A S.C.P./ Harry Potter Crossover, Nothing To See Here Folks!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang