Bokuto started to laugh. "What?" I said, giving him a weird look. "Sorry, it's just funny to me how alike you and Kuroo are." He smiled. I sighed once again and started to think to myself. I placed my head back onto the table and fiddled with my fingers, trying to find answers. I tried to think back to when Kuroo and I were younger and I tried to remember if something like this had happened before. But there was nothing.

Kuroo has always, and I mean always, been there for me. No questions asked. He has never once hesitated, like I am now, to be there for me. And last but not least, he's never failed to cheer me up after I'm feeling down. He knows exactly what to do. It makes me feel like a bad person, not knowing how to make the person I love feel better.

"Is he home?" Shoyo whispered as he placed his head next to mine on the table. I shrugged and started to feel worse, not even knowing where my best friend was. "How do I make him happy?" I softly spoke and covered my face. "Go to him." Bokuto stated. I looked up at him. "If there's one thing I know Kuroo loves, it's you." He added.

Akaashi leaned on his shoulder. "Koutarou isn't wrong about that." He smiled. "They're right. All that guy has to do is look at you and it seems like his mood is just instantly better." Shoyo added. "You guys do realize that I'm the reason he's sad right?" I pouted. They all gave each other weird looks. "What?" Shoyo and Bokuto said in unison.

"Kenma, he's sad because he was cursed at for his sexuality. You're just his boyfriend." Akaashi gave me a weird look. "Then why is he avoiding me?" I wondered, seriously not knowing the answer. They all looked dumbfounded. "Kenma." Shoyo started. "I thought you were the smart one." He giggled. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I texted him, he's home." Akaashi said and threw my phone back to me, showing a conversation with Kuroo. Shoyo grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Looks like you're going to Kuroo's house today." He smiled and walked me to my door. I didn't know what to say. "Go and tell him how you're feeling." Akaashi reminded me as Bokuto rushed me out of the door and down the steps. "We'll make you guys some dinner." Bokuto said as he walked back inside my house.

I blinked a couple of times and they just waved at me, slowly closing the door behind them. I stood there with utter astonishment covering my face. They really were the pushy type of friends. I looked over to the house next to mine and sighed, I was starting to get nervous. I didn't talk to Kuroo as much because I really didn't know what to do. He just told me he wanted time to think. So that's what I gave him. But I also guess it's true that I've had enough of it.

I walked up to his door and let myself in with a spare key. "Kuroo it's me." I let out, knowing he was upstairs. He spent most of his time in his room now. I locked the front door behind me and walked up the stairs. I found his room and knocked on the door, even though it was already open. He looked over at me and nodded his head, basically greeting me. He was at his desk doing homework, or maybe just studying. There were papers everywhere.

I looked around and saw the mess of his room, from dirty clothes on the ground, to old books and toys spread everywhere. I felt like I was in my bedroom. "Kuro." I let out. "Hm?" He replied. My face started to heat up. He wasn't even saying anything, he just made sounds and never gave me an actual answer. "What are you working on?" I asked him, looking for an answer with words. He held up a paper that had the periodic table on it, implying that what he was working on was indeed chemistry.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, finally sick of the one sided conversation. I grabbed his pencil and a binder out of his hand, he looked at me weird. I pulled him out from under his desk and spun him so that he was facing me. I guess his desk chair was beneficial in a situation like this. I forced myself on his lap and I wrapped my arms around his neck, while burying my face into it as well. He didn't react.

"I hate seeing you like this Kuro. I want you to know that I'm tired of it. You're not like yourself anymore and it makes me feel like shit too. As well as all of our friends." I started. There was no movement. I took a deep breath and felt myself start to tremble. "I love you Kuroo. And I don't want to see you hurt anymore so will you please go back to the Kuroo I know and love very much." I finished. There was just pure silence.

A tear fell from my face as I started to lose hope. He did absolutely nothing. And then I felt his arms slowly wrap around my back. That's right when his face found itself against my neck. "Kenma." He whispered and proceeded to cry. I held him tighter as I felt his hot tears run down the side of my neck. He whispered my name a couple more times and then I heard a couple of I'm sorry's.

I let go and kissed his forehead multiple times and soon, his lips met mine. He held my back and I held his face up to reach mine. It was a slow and breathless kiss at first, and it felt like neither of us wanted to let go. Then every time I took a breath and then went back into the kiss, I felt his grip tighten. He started to kiss my neck and slightly nibble at it. I closed my eyes and felt my head slightly tilt back. Kuroo worked his hands down my lower back and then he grabbed my ass, making me jump in surprise.

Kuroo's POV

I kissed down Kenma's neck and then found myself sucking on skin near his collarbone. I could tell Kenma was nervous, but it only made me more satisfied. He let out tiny noises as I pinched his skin slightly tighter, then I released it from my mouth, revealing a purple mark. I watched him bite his lip, to probably try and prevent himself from making any noise. Once he realized I was finished, he looked down at me and glared into my eyes. He looked slightly downwards and rushed to wipe my face. I guess I was still crying.

"Are you okay now?" Kenma asked me. I didn't want this to end. "No." I replied. I connected our lips once again and proceeded to move my hands all over him, making him squirm. I firmly grabbed his thighs and squeezed them, wanting more of Kenma. He let out a moan as I sucked on his neck once again, making sure to leave my mark. Kenma pushed me back and his face was completely flushed. "What?" I said with a worried tone. He blinked a couple of times.

I looked down and finally realized what was going on. "Don't worry, I'm up too." I grinned at him. Kenma turned even more red than before and immediately hid his face on my shoulder. "Do you want me to help you out?" I whispered into his ear. Kenma didn't react, so I giggled. Then I felt him ever so slightly nod into my neck. My eyes widened in surprise, and then I smirked, I lifted him up by his thighs and I brought him over to my bed.

A Realization | kurooxkenma (Haikyuu)Where stories live. Discover now