The Toast

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At the very moment, she had learnt that the prince was also in the carriage, Deirdre had got to know that nothing good could come out of this. Yet now, as these tidings had collapsed onto her with all their force, she felt as though someone had just hit her head; she was completely breathless, and the world around her seemed to spin, which had nothing to do with the irregularities on the path they were slowly rolling down.

She wanted to answer immediately, but at some point, she realised that she was just sitting there, her mouth agape, unable to splutter even one word. Her hands were still clenched on the edge of the seat – now, so tightly that her knuckles were just as white as her face.

"I... don't..." she muttered hesitantly, not even knowing how to put her thoughts into words; perhaps it was so because there was complete chaos in her head. "Not a chance... Your Highness... I really could... could not..."

"I really am not a person who thinks of all that romantic balderdash," answered the prince coolly, observing Deirdre's reaction. He had expected her to be astonished, well, he would have been surprised if she had not been. However, this solution was better than any other, even if it seemed to be a too hasty way of arranging certain things. "If you had expected a fairy-tale-like proposal, you will be waiting in vain. I am not that kind of a man. Though, I do realise that I am in a need of a wife, and you – in a need of a way to get out of this world."

There was complete silence, disturbed only by Deirdre's heavy breathing. Somehow, she had managed to take her hands away from the seat, and now, she was clenching them nervously in her lap. Never before had she been this close to fainting, and truth be told, she would have wanted to faint now, so she could avoid answering this man.

She – a wife of a prince! It sounded as though the prince was making fun of her; and yet, he did not look like someone eager to joke. Perhaps it was her mistress and the two heiresses who had found the measure to get their revenge for attracting too much attention during the balls to which she should not have come?

"You are mistaken, Your Highness," answered Deirdre after a while. "I am a servant and I have got used to this life. I doubt I could learn to live the life of a princess. I... I am truly honoured for your proposal but..."

"Oh, you thought that there is any discussion on the matter?" the prince interrupted her, plainly surprised. "As I have said, I have got Mr Bragg's approval, which, in the current situation, is the most important. You will thank me later."

Thank him! On the girl's white face appeared dark spots which in any way did not look like her usual blush. Did he really think that she could ever agree to marry such a man? And no, it was not about the fact that a servant could not get used to the life of a princess. She simply could not imagine living with someone like Gerard.

She did realise that the prince was granting her a favour, but at the same time, she wished he had not done that. She would have preferred him to choose one of the Miss Braggs, who seemed to fit the role better than she did... and to leave her alone.

"I cannot agree to that, Your Highness," she said simply, this time more firmly, even though she was still quite breathless. "There is no reason for me to..."

" marry me? Well, there is. There are a couple. First, as I have mentioned, I am in a need of a wife. The days of my youth are past, but I am not so old yet as to deprive myself of this possibility. Out of all the ladies I have met in my whole life, you seem to fit the role the best. No lady before you has ever fascinated me the way you did, Deirdre, and I am able to give you a prosperous life in return."

Once again, Deirdre wanted to cut in, but she could not find any proper words to do that.

"This is the next reason, then: you. I truly want you in my life. And the third one is, this way you will avoid the life you have known until now. You will never have to work again. You will get to know the luxuries and comforts you have been denied, and which I can give you. Fourth, your master is delighted with my idea, and your duty as a servant it fulfilling your master's wishes. Should I show you the letter he wrote to me?"

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