The Last Letter

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When I sit down and really think about it. I realize how stupid I was for even caring. My heart was so loud but now its at a quiet whisper. I gave you girls my all but that was never enough. I talk to you a lot like theres real good niggas out there. You all learn that I am one of them. I put my life on hold to be with you. Put good guys always finish last so I get the shit end of the stick. My feelings been burning in my chest so long. Right about now I had to let them go. I gave you my heart all you did was step on it. I must be dead where you stepped on it. I forgot about my feelings and that's been making me happy. I learnt a lot of lessons messing around with you girls. The first thing is to get what I want I have to be a asshole. NOT to ever fall in love love can get you killed or make you killed. And all you want me to do is fuck you right and leave you left. I see now what you guys do. You girls only keep people around for your own benefit. I'm a truthful and loyal person but you guys suck that out of me. I'm calling everything quits I'm done. I'm done with the talking the tears inside. I'm done with writing up here. I'm done with my feelings. Love is a hard thing to hold on when you see that you were never loved. But what should I care. I sit around and wait and what I get in return it's always the same thing bullshit. So now that I'm exiting left. I don't think I would ever want to love agains. It has been very hard to fuck someone then be their friend.  I had enough of this so I'm going to say. The End

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