Another Love (Lauryssa)

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(Note: A complete shot in the dark as to where this is in the timeline)
Content: In which Nyssa steals a kiss and Laurel doesn't know what to do about it.

Over the past year, training with Nyssa had easily become one of the Laurel's favorite pass times. At first, it had been because these moments had always made her feel like some small piece of Sara was still with her, but things were different now. Sara was back, and Nyssa had become so much more to Laurel than just a reminder of her sister. They were friends, best friends, and Laurel would be lying if she said she didn't think about this woman all the time.

She looked forward to the training sessions they held in the disused warehouse they'd claimed as their own, not because she particularly enjoyed sparring, but because she loved spending time with Nyssa. She loved the way Nyssa gently corrected her, loved the way she fought, loved the playful banter they kept as they trained, loved taking her to their favorite diner afterward.

Of course, their closeness didn't mean that Nyssa would ever considering going easy on Laurel, as she knew all too well from being knocked flat on her back for the third time that evening.

"Dead." Nyssa declared. She lightly jabbed her training staff into Laurel's gut, eliciting a small "oof!" from her opponent. "Your stance needs to be wider, or else you'll be easily unbalanced."

She extended her hand, and Laurel pretended to reach for it. As Nyssa relaxed, clearly under the impression that they were done for the moment, Laurel took the opportunity to kick out at her legs. Nyssa's eyes widened slightly with the impact, but she hardly moved. Laurel sighed, accepting defeat, and took Nyssa's hand to hoist herself up.

"Nice try," Nyssa offered, a hint of playful smugness in her voice. "But without proper form, that move won't do you much good against someone who know what they're doing."

"It's worked on Ollie, though." Laurel pointed out.

"Like I said." Nyssa replied smoothly, prompting Laurel to let out a loud bark of a laugh.

"That's cold."

"Hardly." Nyssa rolled her eyes, the smallest of grins on her face. Laurel let her gaze linger on it. She'd never known Nyssa to smile much, which was a shame, because her smile really was a sight to behold. "What are you staring at?" Nyssa gave her a look, and Laurel quickly averted her eyes. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare." She said hastily, slowly looking back at Nyssa. "You just have a nice smile."

Nyssa said nothing for a few moments, during which Laurel could almost swear that her face had flushed. 

"Well, if you're finished," Nyssa began, and any remnant of a blush disappeared. "How about one more go tonight?"

Laurel almost said no, that she was too tired to get her ass handed to her a fourth time, but there was something in the way Nyssa was looking at her that made her want to stay. She could handle a few more minutes of training. 

"Yeah," She agreed. What was the harm in one last round? "One more."

Laurel quickly scooped up the training staff she'd dropped during her fall and assumed a defensive position, waiting for Nyssa to make the first move. Nyssa came at her smoothly, their staffs clashing together once, then twice, and as Laurel moved to strike a third time, Nyssa's leg swept out and her foot crashed into Laurel's ankle. 

Startled, Laurel let out a yelp and instinctively grabbed onto her friend's sleeve in an attempt to right herself. Her weight brought them both to the floor, Nyssa on top of Laurel. 

"I thought you said that move didn't work." Laurel grumbled as she watched their dropped staffs roll off to the side of the little training area they'd set up. 

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