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So I was gonna wait til next week, but I'm excited to share this story, so here's the next one-

So after my mother tried to kill me, I ran. I ran away. I couldn't get framed for murder, I couldn't. I would never be able to get away from that. Now everything in the house reminded me of her. I had to get away.

I saved up a lot of money, took some from where my mother hid hers, and ran. I bought a one way ticket on a bus to New York City.

Of course, I didn't have enough to get an apartment, so I was homeless. I lived on the streets. I kept trying to find a job, but no one would hire a gross looking, 14 year old boy.

I found one place. It was a band of assassins. They were willing to hire me, and I'd already killed someone, I thought, why not?

So I accepted the job.

My first mission was to kill a man named Albert Kingsley. I never knew who he was or what he did to make my client want to kill him, but I was told to kill him and I did.

He was in an alleyway at night, I'd been loosely following him for a chance to get him alone. Now was my time. I was up on the roof of a building, right near where he was.

He was alone, I checked for cameras. There were none, and I had just a hood covering my face at this time, no mask yet, so they probably wouldn't be able to recognize me anyway. I grabbed my gun, shot it, and ran. I was far away by the time people found the body.

The next day, I was payed. I was payed a lot. I now had enough to rent out an apartment, and got one near where the group of assassins' base was located.

I was living a pretty good life. Killing people didn't seem so bad.

That is... until I met him.

Every Fairytale Has an Ending (Analogical)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ