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If you are going to fight, do it right.

She could have gotten herself killed.


I knew about the DA, about the Order.

No, I wasn't part of the DA, like any Gryffindor founded club, they didn't trust Slytherins, but I did help them, even if they didnt know it. I am naturally observant, resourceful, and good at making split second clever decisions. I helped them by first creating tabs, I did this automatically, it's how I knew about the DA in the first place, but quite honestly they weren't very secretive about it. Going to a club that no one ever goes to, unless they're shady af, with people who were all openly against Umbridge? Classic Gryffindor move. Rash, unthought through, and dramatic, but not the good dramatic. I like the dramatic entrances and stuff. At first I thought they were just waving it infront of umbridge, but never giving her any solid evidence, which was gusty, (but again not unlike gryffindors) but then i realised they seriously thought they were being sneaky, But then again Umbridge wasn't exactly the brightest bulb in the lightshop.

I wasn't annoyed when I noticed that it was only potter's friends who got added. Or their friends. Classic gryffindors.(Although I was a bit surprised when they let in Chang's friend) But I was really annoyed when the death eaters came to the school, and they provided absolutely no assistance. Muggle born slytherins weren't publicly abused, but rather in their dorms. In their homes. When all the other houses went to find peace in their beds and in their clubs, knowing that there were people to get through this together with, the muggle born, especially the young ones, were completely and utterly alone. For many reasons, for fear of teaming up with others and getting hurt more, and knowing that if they ever did make a connection it would be used against them. So they just plastered on the fake smiles and just kept going.

I don't think I will ever not judge them for excluding the muggle born slytherins, especially the young ones, but regardless I helped them. I helped them because I knew where they were coming from, I helped them because they were trying to fight an evil, and one that was so deeply rooted in the slytherin house, that they weren't able to tell the difference, or maybe they just gave up trying. The point is, it makes sense why they wouldn't trust us, it doesn't make it fair, not even close, but it does make sense.

Anyways, I helped them. I, again, am naturally observant. I could tell when a death eater was feeling particularly blood thirsty, or when they felt like doing another experimental jinx on a couple of kids. And I would act. Not in an outward way, I would just take the teacher aside and ask meaningless questions that I already knew the answer too as the other houses quickly scurried out. I did it in other ways too, but that's the jist of it. But I couldn't do it as much as I wanted to, but i needed to be discrete, i doubt any one from any other houses knows this but there was a 5th year who was openly siding against the death eaters, he went with one of the siblings after class and never showed up for dinner.

Anyways, fast forwarding.

The battle of hogwarts

Ah, Pansy Parkison, such an idiot.

Although I get where she's coming from. I don't agree with it, but I understand it. She wants this over, she doesn't want her friends hurt, or her home destroyed, she may be mean, but she's not heartless. But to her the Potter boy was just that, a boy. A boy that her best friend had a huge crush on, but regardless, just a boy. Anyways, as I always expected, Mcgonagall sent the younger kids and slytherins away. I slipped in with the Ravenclaws when we arrived, with my books it wasn't hard to fit in, I used to be on the quidditch team before all this, joining in 4th grade. But once Umbridge came, I quit. I knew I would have to blend in, basically disappear. Over the summer, I played football (soccer for americans) but it wasn't quite the same.

The point was that I disappeared. I donned glasses, grew out my hair and re-dyed it to a full neutral color, instead of my old solid lightish brown, it was now a dark, almost black brown. I also got non prescription glasses. Anyways, the point was I could disappear. Easily.

I listened to the plan, making a coded map for myself on my hand. One that I am positive no one else could figure out, mainly bc I used a mix of short hand and mermaid letters, and words i didnt know the meaning to, put together, there was literally no answer key. Once dismissed, I followed a group of Ravenclaws to a hallway, branching off at the first turn and carrying myself to one of the stations. My plan is to reinforce the weak links. Wait until potter found whatever he was looking for (spoiler alert, its the diadem of ravenclaw and that's why he's going with Luna) I know they will have to go to the room of requirement, It just makes sense, so the plan is to keep that area relatively clear. I am walking swiftly down the hallway, when I nearly step on... a cloak and a tie? Just then I hear steps going towards the room of requirement, and a voice, It's malfoy, I roll my eyes, they are probably just going to end up flirting for half an hour, Potter's fine. On more pressing matters, the material feels like the stuff Slytherins wear... I take it to the next halfway where there is more light.

Sure enough, It's a green and silver, Slytherin tie.

Just then I hear a massive BLAST. I jump, dropping the tie I sprint down the hall. I am going so fast, I nearly jump right into the room. 'Blithering idiot' I mutter to myself. I hear a thud, peeking around the corner I see a girl on the floor with blood spilling out. And- oh my fucking god. Is that-... FENRIS GREYBACK!! What is she doing? She is going to die! I think through my spells, ones that would hurt or atleast stun a werewolf, I'll go with a bright one, it's pretty dim in here, his eyes won't adjust, he'll go someplace darker. Right. I cast the spell, he yelps and runs away. and run in there, scooping up the person in my arms when I realise that it's... 'Idiot' I murmur. Of course it had to be her. The one person who I could never read, who always made the most rash decisions, clever and calculated (most of the time) , but still rash.


But there are so many questions running through my mind as I sprint her to the hospital wing. Such as why tf was she alone? There were supposed to be two other people there. There was no other blood than hers, so what happened to the oth-? Oh god. That idiot. That blithering IDIOT. I am going to kill her when she wakes up.

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