"No!" Claire cried. The guards holding Jim slowed when they reached the patch, the Trollhunter clearly putting up some good resistance. The sun still reached him, his skin glowing a light blue and turning gray underneath. "STOP!" 

The sunlight retreated and the king stood up. "Morgana? Is this your magic? Cease it at once." Claire shook out of her captor's grasp and ran over to Jim, who'd fallen to his hands and knees, putting her hands on his shoulders. 

"Just because you're afraid of him doesn't make him evil!" she said. 

"I will not fail to protect my kingdom!" the king snapped in response. 

"If you give in to fear, that is failing," Claire said. 

"The girl speaks truth," a taller woman, Morgana, said, stepping forward. "Please, listen to her." (Y/n)'s mouth quirked upwards slightly before she heard small sounds that sounded a bit like static. She sucked in a sharp breath, looking down at her hands, which had started to glow blue. 

"Uh, Douxie," she muttered through her teeth, tucking her hands into her pockets. "Douxie!" The wizard glanced at her, then back at the king repeatedly. She forced herself onto her knees, making gagging noises. Douxie jumped to her side, putting his hands on her back. 

"Oh, um, she's got a weak stomach," he said. "Pardon us for a moment?" 

"Yes, yes," the king said, waving them off. He was much more preoccupied with the Jim situation. 

Quickly, the wizard helped the Akiridion to her feet and hurried out of the room just as the bright blue flash appeared and she was then standing next to Douxie in her Akiridion form. She shoved herself in a corner, looking around. "Okay, what now? I need to get out of here. Judging on the king's reaction to Jim, he'll have no problem executing me, too." 

"Yeah, that poses a sort of problem," Douxie said, putting a hand on his chin. "Um...well...just, uh-" He stiffened as the doors swung open, standing on his toes and trying to shield (Y/n)'s body with his own as the guards marched past with Jim in tow, the troll much more submissive this time. 

"Hisirdoux!" the king shouted. 

"Be right back," he said. "Don't move." He hurried back into the throne room and (Y/n) huffed, crossing her arms. There were too many guards around the palace for her to make a run for it without getting noticed, but if the guards never got to the alarms....

"Nope," she said, shaking out of that. "Remember Krel." 

A few minutes later, the doors opened again and Steve marched out escorted by Lancelot, Douxie walking on his own, and Morgana walking with a dejected looking Claire. No one seemed to notice her and she peeked her head out, only to come face to face with Morgana, Claire frozen in the background. 

"Hey there," (Y/n) said, grabbing her serrator. She pointed it at Morgana. "You're good at keeping secrets, right?" The sorceress stared at her serrator and (Y/n) held it to the side, unsheathing the blade and pointing it back at her. "Not a word, witch." 

"I'm not going to hurt you," Morgana said slowly, lifting her hands. "You are...I've never seen anything like you before! Where are you from? What kind of magical creature are you?" 

"I'm not magical, lady, get it right," (Y/n) said, still holding her serrator to the sorceress' face. "But if you're not here to hurt me, you'll get me out of this place, right?" 

"Of course, I-" 

"Morgana, what are you still doing here?" the king asked, stepping out of the throne room. "Shouldn't you-" His eyes landed on (Y/n) and instantly he drew his sword, pointing it at her. 

"Arthur-" Morgana was cut off as the king leaped forward, knocking (Y/n)'s serrator away from  Morgana, driving the Akiridion into the wall with his own sword tip pricking her neck. "Arthur, stop!" 

"So you and the boy lied to me," Arthur growled.

"You think I'd want to show my face around someone like you? I saw what you did to Jim and I'm not too keen on having the same done to me," she snapped back. 

"What are you?" Arthur asked, looking her up and down with a hostile sort of curiosity. 

"Stop looking at me like that. And stop asking me like I'm a sort of object." She lifted her serrator, touching it to the tip of his blade. "Now, if you please, remove the sword." 

"Arthur, please. She's defending herself," Morgana said. "They all are! You remove them from their homes and treat them like this without knowing their true intentions! Magic is not to be feared!" Arthur studied the sorceress, then pulled back slightly from (Y/n). 

"Fine. Guards! Escort her to the dungeon as well. I will figure out what to do with them later." He sheathed his sword, grabbing Morgana by the arm. "You. Head down to your new quarters. Morgana will meet you there shortly." Claire did a small curtsey, glancing back at (Y/n) as the guards grabbed her arms, one grabbing serrator. 

"Uh, be careful with that," (Y/n) said. "You have no idea how it-" She ducked just as the guard unsheathed the gun and fired, a smoking spot on the wall behind her. "Just give it to me." She twisted her arms, forcing the guards to release her, grabbed her serrator, tucked it away, then shifted back into her guards' grip. "Okay. I'll just hold onto it for you guys." The guards tried to find it again but she kicked them in the shins. "Take me down to the dungeons or I'm just going to walk out of here." She winked at Claire as they tied her up, walking her down to the dungeons where they threw her into a tight cell that she could barely sit cross-legged in. 

"Oh, wow," a rich female voice said. "I've never seen one of you before. Where do you hail from, sweetheart?" 


"Huh. Never heard of it before? Some strange part of the Wild Wood?" 

"No. It's another planet." 

"So you're an alien?" 


"Okay, wait," Jim said, grabbing the bars of his cell and looking over at her. "I know you. You're that alien that shot me once. The one trying to kill the Tarrons? What are you doing here?" 

"Hi, Jim. I'm here because I made the stupid decision to jump after you when you were going to fall into the past and probably would have died," she said. "It's me, (Y/n), by the way. From school?" 


"Yep. Me, Toby, and the Tarrons are cool now, by the way." 

"You still shot me in the gut." 

"Sorry about that. Did you end up in the hospital?" 

"My mom's a doctor, so no, but I did miss another day of school for that." 

"Oof." Silence followed and she blew out a breath. "So, you know that gun I shot you with?" 

"How could I forget?" (Y/n) grabbed her serrator and rested her elbows on the horizontal bars. "I'm gonna break out with it because medieval dungeons are just sad. But I don't want Douxie to kill me so I'm going to wait for a little bit." 

"Wait, you're breaking out?" the voice who'd spoken first asked, peering out at the Akiridion. (Y/n) got a good look at her face in that moment, bright purple eyes and sharp teeth, but despite the latter factor, she was still kind of pretty. 

"Of course. I'm sure Douxie has literally the same idea." She wiggled around in her cell, putting her hands on the ground and walking her legs up the wall. She kicked off gently, lifting one hand off the ground and putting it behind her back, shifting up and down on her hand. "But for now, we wait."

Alien (Wizards Sequel to A Dangerous Game)Where stories live. Discover now