The Meeting

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"Akane (1)" a gentle voice says. I rapidly turn to the mysterious voice and i see young woman, standing there smiling at me. "Be strong, you will soon find your way.." Her smile seems is so graceful, the woman was very beautiful. Suddenly, her blonde hair goes on fire, turning into a scorching black.

I desperately try to scream out for help, but no words come out of my mouth. I start trying to put out the fire with my hands, but instead of feeling the pain of burns, my hands go right threw her. Tears cascade down her fragile cheeks as she reaches out to me, and one last smile lingers on her face when the fire engulfs her. The woman seems to say something, but i cant hear her. As if she were a delicate piece of glass, i reached out to her once again. She only shakes her head and breaks into a million pieces of glass.

The girl comes back to cruel reality. She sits up and realizes she is not in the streets of town anymore.

Where am I..? Her hand reaches down and touches the silky sheets of the bed. Red, scornful, and full of pain it was. She looks up to the door and then back at the silky sheets. For a moment, the silk sheets looked like blood, the wine red liquid she knew to well. A scream escapes her mouth, and she immediately covers her mouth.

The door slowly creaked open and the red haired girls hand went instinctively down to where her katana (2) should be. Huh? Where is it? The door opened revealing a small girl. She timidly walked in and close the door behind her.

"Who are you and we're am I?" The girl asks in an icy voice. Don't tell me..

"Oh your awake!" Her blonde gentle curls bounced as she walked over her. Her blue eyes were full of curiosity. She walked up to the girl and smiled. "My names Desstaria. Dont worry miss i wont hurt you!" The girl backs away more, her eyes full of fear.

"Why would they use a child.." she mutters under her breath. "Desstaria" only looks at her and tilts her head to the side.

"Are you OK Miss? Brother should be home soon..I should call him and tell him you've awoken." she stars to walk away but twirls around again. "Whats your name so i don't have to keep calling you miss?"

"You should know already.. " she says in an icy voice. Desstaria flinched and backed away. There is a sound of a door openening and the mysterious girl glares at the door.

"Star, Im home!" a male voice says. Desstaria takes this as a chance to run out of the room, as she is clearly frightened by the girl.

"Brother! The girl, shes awake!" Destarria said loudly. The young man looks down at her sister and nods.

"Lets go check on her OK?" he says. Desstaria nods and grabs her brothers hand. He squeezes it reassuringly and opens the door.

"Hello?" he says opening the door. The frightened red headed girl flinched at the sound of the opening door. They have come to finish me off haven't they? She stands up and runs to the window as the door opens revealing Desstaria and a tall young man.

"Brother, the girl is trying to jump out the window!" Wide eyed, Desstaria's brother grabs the girl and brings her back into the room, closing and locking the window.

"Why were you trying to jump out of the window?" he asked as if she had no common sense what so ever.

"How dare you ask me that? After kidnapping me for the millionth time, why wouldn't i escape?" she says in an icy tone. "where did you put my katana bastard?"

"Excuse me? i saved you! Be grateful! You would of died if i didnt come!" he retorted getting annoyed.

"Uh Sebastian," Desstaria says suddenly "Don't frighten the girl." she walks over to the red headed girl and bows.

"Lets start over, My names Desstaria, and this is my older brother Sebastian." She smiles and holds her hand out politely. The red headed girl only stares at it with a disgusted look on her face.

"Like hell will i shake my hand with someone like you!" she hisses. Desstaria's eyebrow twitches, but she stays composed.

"Miss, my brother here saved you when you were being attacked by some weirdo, you were unconscious so he brought you here until you woke up"

"Pffft, you think I'm gonna believe these lies. Im not stupid little girl. Now whats the real reason im here?" Again, Desstarias eyes are covered by her bangs and she looks down.

"Listen Miss," she looks up but her eyes were still covered by her bangs. "I am not lying." Sebastian flinches and grabs Desstaria.

"Calm down." he whispers in her ear. The red headed girls expression darkens.

"Show me your not lying." she says rather bluntly. "Who was the man supposedly chasing me?"

"Well, he looked like he was in his 20's, he had raven hair, he was a good fighter i guess? It was too dark to see much" Sebastian says rubbing the back of his head. The girls eyes show recognition and she sighs.

"Fine, my names Akane. And well, sorry for freaking you out..?" she jumps off the bed and walks over to the window. Sebastian visibly flinches thinking she is going to jump out again. "What do you take me for an idiot? I'm not going to jump out." she gazes out the window as if in deep thought. Not daring to interrupt her thoughts, Desstaria and Sebastian said nothing.

"I know this is kind of sudden," she walks over to them "But would you guys let me stay here for a while?"

Little did they know that those simple words would change there life so drastically.


Dont hate me D: . I know I know, This is way late. But i had a major writer's block on this..and Ive been so busy, its been hard to update. But no worries! i will post the chapter 3 next week depending if i have a lot of school work.. hopefully no!

(1) Akane: Yeah thats the girls name. Shes Japanese.. xD You'll find out what her name means later on in the story.

(2) Katana: Traditional japanese sword, Again you will find out where she got it later on~

Advice is much appreciated just leave a comment and i'll try my best to make this story better!

-Bye Bye~

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 07, 2013 ⏰

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