"No and he won't," said Lacie as she stopped her mid sentence "I just don't want to disappoint my parents,"

"Lacie, listen would you rather be engaged to a total stranger that you have known for a year? or be with a boy who has been your friend since day one?"

"You know I would rather be with a person that I can trust, but what will my parents say?"

"Just figure it out before someone gets hurt," said Jane as she laid a comforting hand in Lacie shoulder "now I have to go over to Ruby's house and help her with something, why don't you go home and figure things out?"

"I'll just go do that, and tell Ruby I said hi," said Lacie as she walked away


When Lacie arrived at her house she saw her sister and cousin in the family room. LeAnn who was knitting something, while Zack threw his baseball in the air, Lacie walked over to them.

"Zack I thought mother said no baseball in the house?" Asked Lacie

"Oh her and uncle Peter aren't here," said Zack as he laid back up "anyway where have you been?"

Lacie scoffed while taking off her coat Before putting it on the hook

"I was at janes house I thought I told you," said Lacie as she walked into the family room, as she did that she plopped on the couch before she puffed.

"What's wrong little cuz? You seem so glum," asked Zackary as he stood up to walk towards Lacie before sitting next to him

"I think I'm in love with someone else," said Lacie as she fiddled with her fingers

LeAnn got up from her seat to sit next to Lacie before placing her arm around her little sister

"Your in charge of your destiny little sis, tell mother what you want, she won't be mad as long as your honest because honesty is the best policy," said Lacie as she leaned her head to Lacie who smiled and hugged her sister

"Thanks, but what will she say?"

"She may not be happy.. but I'll talk to her for you,"


It was that night and Lacie was sitting on her bed with her notebook in front of her. She was writing the pros and cons of the two boys before she started she heard rock petals being thrown at her window as she got up and walked to the window.

It was Billy Andrews

So Lacie opened the window before sitting on the indie seal

"Hey what brings tour here at 10 at night?" Asked Lacie as she laughed, he laughed back

"And why are you still up at 10? Shouldn't you be asleep?" Asked billy

"I should but I had some things to do before I go to bed, anyway what's up?"

After Lacie said that Billy looked up at the brown headed girl before sighing

"I like you Lacie Salem and I always have but if you don't feel the same way then that's fine," said billy as he looked down

"I'll be down there in the second," said Lacie as she closed the window before grabbing her coat and hat before going outside

When she got outside she saw billy standing there and she sighed as she saw him

"Why don't we take a walk?" Asked Lacie as she placed a hand on Billy's arm, billy who was blushing gestures to the path that laid in front of the pair


As they were walking it was pure silence until Lacie spoke up

"I know you like me.. but.. We can't be together because Thomas walker is My Intent,"

"I know I understand," said billy as he clenched his jaw "I just think you deserve better, I mean.. your getting married, your awfully to young,"

"Billy I know you want what's best for me.. but please stay out,"

"Lacie I want to be with you.. but Thomas and your parents are in the way of our enduring love," Said billy as he clenched to Lacies hand "please.. just give us a chance," said billy as he gestured to the two of them

The two stared intensely at one another before Lacie broke the silence and tension


Before Lacie could finish billy crashed his lips with Lacies, Lacie who was shocked kissed back as butterflies erupted in her stomach.

After what felt like hours the pair broke apart

"I-I better get home, see you later billy," said Lacie as grabbed a hold of her hat before taking off not making eye contact with her best friend

She knew that she just made the decision hard then it already was


Hopefully that was good if it was give it a vote and I'll write soon, ok bye

Word count:1135


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