Part 1

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It all started when I went to bed while watching a movie review on flushed away and drifted away not realizing what I was about to experience.

-s h i f t h a p p e n s-

I woke up in the Slytherin dorms in the one and only Hogwarts school of wizardry , the dorms looked like the inside of one of those army ships with those asylum beds from the 1900's but that's besides the point LMFAO. 

       It had been field day for some reason in Hogwarts, don't attack me. I was dating Draco and Cedric? Don't ask its my alt reality. So while Cedric and I were chilling on my bed just talking about life as Draco entered my room and had gotten jealous even though we were in a throuple for some reason idk. So he lead me out  the door and down the staircases that like move you know? But of COURSE we ran into FUCKING PANSY PARKINSONS DISEASE, She's a simp so I kind of like patted her shoulder really hard and she flew down the staircase, oops. Draco didn't give a fuck thank god, anyways we walked down to the full on stadium football field don't ask.

(keep in mind I have the elder wand? Idk and I am the Harry Potter in this story so I am kind of important or something I have no idea why but I did in this reality)

Every house was on the football field in lines. There were like 800 kids in each house besides , Slytherin which had FOUR people in it. Well we started to play color freeze tag Slytherin kind of  lost cuz we had 4 people in our house so it was kind of tragic LMAO. 

                                                                 ******** TIME SKIP*********

           Cedric and I walked to the abandoned bathroom hand in hand we were walking in comfortable silence and grinned at each other, little did he know I was being a dumb bitch so, suddenly it came across my mind to avada kedavra him . With his hand still in mine I led him to the bathroom , I pointed to the sinks so his back was facing me . I took out the elder wand took a deep breath as moaning myrtle crawled out of her stall she looked at Cedric and said in her annoying ass , old ass, grouchy ass, old creaky mansion sounding ass , " Ceddy if you die will you be my boyfriend? " Him being empathetic he said " Of course , Myrtle" she grinned . As he turned around she mouthed to me " Do it " without hesitation I scream " AVADA KEDAVRA " and as the green light hit him and fell to the ground he began to look like you shoved a tiny party city skeleton in a vacuum sealed brown wet paper bag , Moaning Myrtle screeched " YASS' I began to put him in the black goo in the sink it began to bubble and transform into coconut flavored La Croix . Once I began to taste test it with a plastic spoon Dumbledore opens the door cutely , he does not notice me as he waddles in I crouched behind the sinks as she was crawling on the ceiling, she approached him and they started to Eskmio kiss . He pulled away and says " You know, you were always my favorite student " she giggled. As they made the kiss deeper, his fat head went through Myrtle he grunted frustrated. Myrtle giggled and whispered (still inside his head) " Its okay Dumbo-" she calls him that because of his fat ears and unique body. " I still have Ecto-Plasm "  as they went to lean in for another session of nose rubbing and graveyard sniffing, the Monster High: Freaky Fusion theme song began to echo throughout the musty, abandoned bathroom. I began to recognize where I have heard that before, Draco's ringtone. I slapped my mouth in disbelief of what he witnessed. The third stall on the left wall crept open with Draco creeping out embarrassed , he turned to me and mouthed " let's go Y/N" I nodded shocked by him not wanting to kick me the curb , Dumbledore looked shocked and we just walked passed him with unreadable expressions and left. As we left Draco pushed me to the wall with his hand on my throat " What the fuck Y/n ?" I looked at him wanting to seem innocent and said " I don't know what you're talking about " with a smirk . He just grinned back and said " That was hot" in my head I was confused but with his bipolar ass I had been used to this behavior.  We then walked away holding hands as if nothing happened. 

Authors (there is 2 ) :

Author #2 - Hi! I'm Moonlight ( code name) I typed it and edited the story , please ignore most of what's going on this was Author #1 ( Red) accidental shifted reality but if you want to hear the rest of the shifted reality comment the snake emoji . Also he didn't even script it , it just kinda happened but I guess that's what you get when the dreamer is addicted to caffeine and nicotine lol.

Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this (idk who would but) have a nice day malfuckers.

Author #1: Do not attack me please me I did not plan this and i cant control dreams LMAO

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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