*Chocolate's 1st Memory*

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"Aiden! C'mon, you'll be late for school!"

"School? Never heard of her-"


Aiden sighed in defeat as he lamely knotted his tie in the standing mirror. School, by far, was his least favorite subject. Ever. He dreaded Monday to Friday mornings, and he dreaded Sunday evenings. Analyzing himself in the mirror, he used one hand to rake back his messy bed hair. He never bothered to style it, cause face it, who the hell is he trying to impress?

He lazily jumped down the stairs and floated on the scent of break fast to the kitchen. His mother had her back turned and was working at the stove. Aiden walked over to his birther and hugged her from behind.

"Good morning mommy, how are you?" His mother slightly turned her head to meet the smiling gaze of her first son. She chuckled and whispered 'Momma's boy' causing her son to frown playfully.

"Good morning, whatever. Here," She handed him a plastic plate with scrambled eggs, baby tomatoes, a piece of toast with apricot jam with a medium sized glass of milk. "You can give it to her."

Aiden smiled sadly and nodded. He notice his own breakfast sitting on the dining table but ignored it. He pushed open the door to the basement and skipped down the stairs carefully. As he approached, the sound of machines beeping and stale breathing filled his ears. When he finally got to his destination, his heart sank in his chest.

He approached the hospital bed and examined the patient. Her short brown hair was sprawled over the pillow and her eyes were squeezed shut. An oxygen mask was wrapped over her mouth, IV drips in her right hand. Her tiny body was barely visible by the light blue dress that reached to her calves, a brown teddy bear laid at her side. Aiden placed the meal on the side table before using his palm to push off the girl's bangs off her sweaty forehead. Upon the contact, the girl's grey eyes slowly opened and trailed to his direction.

"Big brother..." The girl smiled although it hurt her. " Your here."

"I promised to always kiss you goodbye before I left for school, didn't I?" Aiden chuckled before helping the girl to sit up on her bed. "Mom made breakfast."

"Thank you." She watched as her brother expertly removed her oxygen mask and hooked it back to it's source. She weakly raised her left hand and started to eat her meal. 

The girl sighed in relief as her stomach was filled but the boy couldn't help but frown at the sight. His sister was getting weaker by day. He hated to admit it, but he couldn't deny that there will soon be a day where she would take her last breath before anyone else in the household. The truth killed him inside.

"Priya," The girl stopped munching on her toast as she looked at her brother quizzically. "How do you feel currently?"

Priya blinked at her brother before turning her focus back to the piece of bread in between her thin red lips. "I think my airways are closing slowly-it was hard to breathe, but my mask is helping me with that. My right hand aches but the good news is that I'm no longer dehydrated. That's a start, right?"

'No it wasn't.  Hard to breathe? Having to rely on a mask to stay alive? With all the shit going on in your body, seems like a fat chance.'

"Yes, it's a start."

After bidding his final goodbyes, Aiden made his way to school. He did the usual by mentally preparing himself on the way, as soon as he stepped foot into Reddworks High, it was survival of the fittest. He had gone through Freshman, Sophomore and Junior year to figure that out.

Aiden had to admit, since he was now a senior, he had gotten sloppy with his caution, he needed to get back on his track.

But he got distracted by the memory of his sister and was not ready for a paint balloon to the face at 8 in the morning.

They stole something from him again.

At the perfect timing too.

Aiden cursed in emojis as he ran in the cold rain that showed him no mercy.

"😠🤬😡" He grunted out in frustration as his clothes clung to him. He finally spotted a place he could use as shelter; a bus stop. With a roof-top in fact.

He ignored the judging stares and tried to slip in.

"Where do yar think yar going, kid?" An old man with a gold tooth questioned. "You'll get everyone wet, stay out."

"You'll get me annoyed, stay quiet." Aiden rolled his eyes and pushed himself inside. People instantly parted from him, but that was their loss, more space for him.

He was shivering and just wanted to wait for his body to thaw out.

Then a black haired girl showed up and stood beside him.

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