"Go ahead," he told her as he kissed her forehead.

Each time he gave her permission, her control slipped just a little more. Now the row of fangs in her mouth pierced through her gums. Her other hand moved up to his head and tangled in his hair. She was hesitant before sinking her teeth into where his neck and shoulder met.

Dean let out a gasp from the initial pain, but it soon faded into nothing. He loosened his grip on her waist and just rested his hands on her back and let her take whatever she needed. Dean could feel the heat returning to her body. She soon forced herself to pull away, but her body told her that she wasn't finished. She covered her mouth as the row of fangs refused to go back into hiding.

"Don't stop If you need more," Dean tells her but she shook her head.

"You need your blood still," she told him. "Much more and you may pass out from blood loss."

"Alright then," Dean says with a sigh. Jane looked at the bite mark she left on his shoulder before going to the bathroom to get a first aid kit to dress up the wound. She also got a wet rag to clean up the blood.

As she pressed the rag to the wound, Dean let out a his of pain. "I'm sorry," Jane said cringing. She tried to be as gentle as possible but of course It was such a jagged wound that it would hurt no matter what she did. Once she cleaned all of the blood from the wound, she covered it with gauze before taping it down. "Your phone in ringing," She told him. She could hear it vibrating from in his pocket.

He looked away from her, realizing she was right. He pulled his phone from his pocket and answered it. "Hello?"

"Dean, we got another job," Jane could hear Sam say from the other end of the line.

"Where at?" Dean stood from the bed and putting his shirt back on.

"Blue Earth, Minnesota." As soon as Sam had said that Dean hug up and turned to Jane.

"Get your bags packed, were heading to Minnesota," he told her as he wrapped an arm around her waist and kissing her forehead. She smiled but didn't say anything as she started to pack her books into her duffle bag. When she had finished packing everything, Dean grabbed the back and carried it to the door.

"Dean, I can carry my own back," she told him.

"Maybe so, but I want to carry it for you," He tells her, wrapping his free arm around her waist and pulling her along with him out the door. She grinned and shook her head, following him down the path to the other cabin. Sam and John were waiting for them by the vehicles.

"She's coming with us?" Sam asks.

"Yes, she is," Dean told him as he shot Sam a look.

"Dean, what happen to your neck?" John asks him. Instead of looking at Dean, he was looking at Jane. In his hand was a book that had her name in Daniel's handwriting. "The act is over Jane."

"There is no act," Jane tells him as she sighs. "Did you even read the whole thing?" She knew what was in the journal, it was the one the Daniel wrote about her and how different she was from other vampires.

"I read enough to know that you're not human and you just fed from my son," John now had the colt pulled out and aimed at her, but she just looked at it unfazed.

"I would be so glad if you shot me right now," she challenged him. "Finish off what I tried to do when Daniel prevented it."

John looked at her confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Actually read it," she tells him. He looked as the book in his hand before he holstered the colt back in his jeans and reading what was written in the book.

"I found Jane hidden in the middle of the woods, abandoned by the vampires that had changed her. She was starving herself, somehow holding herself back from any human blood. I helped her and showed her that she could survive off animal blood. I have never met a vampire that had so much restraint as she does, and I believe that she could potentially be a great asset when fighter her own species."

John read the page out loud for both of the brothers to hear as well.

"Not once have I lied to you. I may not have told you the full story, but it has all been true," She told him. "Now if you are going to shoot me, then do it. Otherwise you need to think of the reason that Daniel was able to trust me and maybe you'll be able to as well."

"If you only feed from animals then why did you feed from Dean?" John counters.

"I made her do it because she was dying, possibly starving herself again," Dean defends her.

"Why the hell would you do that?" John shouts at him.

"Because I'm her mate and I'm not going to let her die because she's afraid of hurting me!"

John looked at Dean with disgust. "Get the hell out of my sight." 

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