"It also looks like he's running north towards Homan Square" Kim added and hung the picture on the white board. 

"You run this guy" Voight asked. 

"Yeah. Nothing on facial rec" Kim replied. 

"That's not nothing. Kareem said that the stuff the guy lifted was in a green military-style duffel bag" Jay confirmed. 

"All right, so let's press for an ID" Voight said as Crawford walked up the stairs. "Canvass the neighborhood. I'm talking about Lawndale all the way up into Homan Square. I realize it's a fishing expedition, but it's what we got for now."

Crawford wanted us to try a new facial recognition system, which, at the moment, was not on the books. Voight went along with it, only to test it out, and we got a match. More specifically, a 99.64% match to our guy on video. The man's name was Marcus West, and he lived not even a mile away from the stash house. We went to his house, caught him trying to run, but when Jay talked to him, he had no idea what we were talking about. Marcus claimed he did not kill those 2 kids, but right now, his word wasn't going to cut it. We needed proof that this either was or wasn't him.

"All right, we've got 11 hours left to make our case against Marcus West. We've got him sweating in County but all we got is a surveillance photo from the alley near the house, which the State's Attorney is going to toss because the facial rec system we used to get it isn't even on the books yet. So where are we at connecting West to gang activity in North Lawndale" Voight asked. 

"We're going to keep digging, boss" Adam replied. 

"Good" Voight said. "What about DNA?" 

"The volume's overwhelming. The whole West Side's been in and out of that house for years. They're shoveling as fast as they can. So far, no hairs, fibers, or blood putting West inside that house, but I'm on top of it" Hailey answered. 

"Have we tossed West's apartment yet" Voight  questioned.

"Top to bottom. No cash, no drugs, no dice" I say. 

"How about we do what we do? Evidence, motive, means. Stick to our rules, build a case. A witness, a print" Voight said as Platt walked upstairs. 

"Hank, there's a problem. Marcus West was attacked in County" Platt announced. 

A while later, the whole team was digging for information. We had no solid evidence that proved Marcus was our guy, and we also didn't have any other suspects. Right now, it was looking like this was going to be a cold case, and I didn't want that. Those mothers deserved closure. Those boys deserved justice.

"Ln, Upton, go talk to the kid again. See if there's something he missed when he spoke to patrol" Voight said.

"Copy that, Sarge" I say.

When we got to the address where Noah lived, his mother had an argument with us. She didn't want her son to relive what he had gone through all over again. However, we managed to convince her to let us talk to him, so she sent Noah outside. He seemed a little scared, and I came up with an idea to get him out of his shell.

"Hey, Noah. I'm Yn. You know my boyfriend, Jay, right" I ask.

"Jay" Noah questioned.

I took my phone out of my pocket and turned it on, showing Noah my home screen picture, which was of Jay and I together at Molly's. "This guy. You know him, yeah" I ask.

"He's the one that found me" Noah answered.

"Yep. That's him. So, I was just reading what you told the Patrol officers" I say. "Let's start from where you went into the bathroom, okay? So you go inside and you close the door 'cause that's what you do when you pee, right?" 

Partners in Crime; A Jay Halstead FanficWhere stories live. Discover now