Running from the monsters (Chapter 3)

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Chapter 2

"River wake the fuck up. You.....late...."a voice says close to me, it is drifting in and out. My eyes snap open, Connor's head is in my line of sight, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and check the time. Eight fifty five "Holy shit." I yell jumping out of bed.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I ask squeezing some toothpaste onto my toothbrush and leisurely brushing my teeth.

I'm already late no amount of rushing will change the time, "Because I just woke up myself, hurry!" he exclaims fixing the sheets on my bed.

"We are already late." I tell him, holding the toothbrush with the tips of my left hand, I itch the edge of my jaw with my right hand reminding myself I need to cut my nails on my right hand they irritated me as they dug into my skin "You just go, I'll get there." I yell spitting into the sink, I turn on the tap watching the white foam wash down the drain.

"No. I'm not leaving you." Connor says, I hear him moving around my room.

I roll my eyes "Go. Don't worry dude." I mumble washing the toothbrush and squirting the toothpaste onto it again.

I have to brush my teeth three times every single day, or else my entire day will go bad.

"Are you sure?" he questions, coming into the bathroom his eyebrows risen, I shoo him away with my hands, he grins spinning around he skips out the room eager to get to school.

I ditch the compulsory skirt today and wear the school regulated trousers aware it is going to be cold and considering I have to make my own way to school I have to make sure I am warm.

I walk down the stairs pulling my hair back in a pony tail, I slip on my converses and sit on the bottom step of the stairs tightening the laces so I felt comfortable, I pick up my skateboard which is resting against the doorway, I pick up my back-pack and slide it through my arms.

I step out of my house, immediately regretting my decision, I go back inside and pick up some of my fathers gloves he left on the coffee table and slip them on grateful my hands are now warm.

Once I get to school I sign in on the late register, I reach school at break, I take the beanie that was in my pocket and pop it on my head knowing the beanie covers the scar on the edge of my forehead.

"No skating in the halls," I hear a teacher reprimand, I ignore the voice; skating towards the canteen hall. I check the time on my watch only five minutes till break, I push open the doors skating on the newly waxed floor. I stop the skateboard with my foot walking towards my usual table, the boys are already seated on the table.

I dropped my skateboard beside my chair, "I can eat." I sigh reaching over and picking up a slice of pizza from the pizza box in the middle of the table, I bite off the tip and chew "Ah." I moan dropping my head onto the back of the chair "I just wanna live in a pizza box, and always eat it." I sigh, dramatically as if I am in a daze.

"We're supposed to ditch next period to meet the new coach." Tremaine announces to the table, I nod my eyes still closed; savoring the taste of the pizza I hum hoping he takes that sound as agreement.

Fifteen minutes later I lay in the middle of the sports hall the cold floor easing the pain in my back, the pain that comes along with being a woman.

Fucking periods.

Connor's head is resting on my stomach, that feels good; some pressure helps lessen the cramps. He is scrolling through Instagram on his phone, My arms are spread eagle on the hard floor of the sports hall.

The rest of the team lazes around the room, some rest against the wall others on the ground beside me. The new coach is already setting off to a bad start, he is five minutes late,

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