"I don't know, ling..." dad kedengaran risau...

Sempat lagi saya dengar dad menghiup kopi dia... slurp slurp ni...

"they don't match, ling... kalah anjing sama kucing..." mom continued... "don't make them suffer, it'll only end in a divorce..."

Divorce? Mesti dorang talking about orang yang sudah kahwin ni kan?

Holland? Of course not, itu cinta mati dari budak-budak lagi... Bella who is pregnant with her 3rd child with Jordan? By the behavior and looks of them, they're gonna get 8 kids, if not a football team... 🙄

"then what should I do?" dad saya tau, walaupun dia pun judge, but dad selalu minta pendapat mom... "tu anak sudah merosakkan anak orang... what should we do?"

It's about me! Makin saya busybody mau dengar...

"don't make decisions that you will regret and they will suffer..." betul tu mom... saya sokong... 😏

Dad menghela nafas berat... saya mau melangkah masuk sudah dan menyapa my parents, when mom continued...

"if Kimberly likes Chester..." mom bilang... DUSH jantung saya! "then kasi tunang them saja... it's still Robinson-Bestian juga... I know you want to keep the Bestians out of trouble cos they are Bella and Sydney's biggest clients and one of the solution is through marriage..."

And I created that opportunity on that fateful night at the party kan? Saya telah membuka laluan mudah, I paved the way for two families to merge...

If it's not me, then it'll be Chester...

Kenapa saya terasa sesak dada saya ni? Nyilu...

"Chester?" dad tanya... "What if Chester tidak mau?"

"Chester is more obedient than London, ling..." Mom said... ya, saya mengaku saya stubborn...

"Obedient? He dropped out of law school...!" meninggi suara dad... I know how dad feels about that...

"That is because he hates law..." Mom bilang...

"Then what makes you think he'll like Kimberly Bestian?" dad tanya, sayu suara dad...

"Kimberly's a very pretty girl... he'll like her..." mom's so confident... "and besides they have something in common.."

"what?" ya, mom what does Chester and Kimberly have in common? Saya pun mau tau...

"they own clubs..." mom ketawa kecil...

Saya menelan liur... masih terasa nyilu dada saya....

I turned and walked back up the stairs to my room... hilang selera saya... saya tidak lapar sudah...


The whole week saya menyibukkan diri dengan kerja...

tapi saya stay alert juga kalau-kalau mom and dad akan bincang lagi pasal pertunangan antara saya sama Kimberly... atau... Kimberly and.... I shook my head...sudahlah berfikir tu, London...

On that fateful day... nasib yang menimpa saya entah nasib malang ka atau apa...

Sydney and Holland mati-mati mau menunjukkan saya their client's case file... saya baru first day di Sessions Court after dad dumped me there...

Bodoh! Kau bodoh, London! You should have listened!

"Your Honour... My client, KIMBERLY BESTIAN will plead not guilty and request for a fair trial..." I looked up slowly... macam saya salah dengar...

But standing right in front of me at the witness stand, is that little vixen...!

"YOU..." I sounded either madly angry or shocked...

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