Chapter 12 - First Mission

Start from the beginning

"HAPPY!" He told me again

"BIRTHDAY!" I shouted once more and Tzuyu just stood up

"Woah, woah, woah. Hang on, how on earth did you find me?!" Tzuyu asked him loudly

"Well your friend told me, right Sana?" He smirked and look right at me

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you about that Tzu, sorry." I said and just smiled and She just put her palm to her forehead

"Ok, okay. I'm not mad, and I'm totally suprised pork-head" I just giggled when she said to him

"Well your handsomely brother, here. Who is trying to make it up to his little sistah" After He said that, he hugged Tzu and scrathes her hair

"Ahh! Stop! Lets go celebrate you know" Tzu response and seeing her this happy. Its like the universe rather wanted me to be with her. No matter how fast Tzu and I met, I just want to cherish it. I hope Tzu and Mina will get along somehow, and I will make that happened

Quite of 4 hours, Me and Tzu and her bro went so many places rather than a mall. Now we are in a field were people always picnic here.

"Yo! TZU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I heard of someone called Tzu in the back is one of her friends in the school. Its Dahyun and Chaeyoung

"Yo! Your late doofus', you should be here at 12, not 30" Tzu exclaimed them for coming just a 30 minutes late. Lol what's wrong with her

"At least we come." Dahyun said to her and look right at me. And I just froze

"I guess one of your new friend is here. Nice, Hi Sana" Chaeng greeted me

"Hi Chaeng. Oh here eat now, we still had cake" I said nicely and give to Dahyun

"Woah, you know chocolate is my thing" Dahyun said and dip a frosting of chocolate to her finger and eat it

"I hope your skin turns to chocolate, you really shouldn't be doing that like I told you. His brother is here" Chaeng told her and look to Tris

"Woah its ok, you two. And besides sistah here is really glad that you two came" He said and check his cellphone

"Oh gosh, Tzu I needed to go" He excused himself to her

"Excuse of leaving, yeah I get that a lot" Tzu said really full of unfairness

"Look, i'm sorry. I had a duty in my work you know? And like I promise, I'd make it up to you, and now I did today. You guys need to be careful like always, sis see ya, I know Sana will take care of you right" He said is fair enough, he hugged Tzu. And he, wait what?! He started to walk away quickly

"What a busy brother you had Tzu. Is he single?" Dahyun asked her

"Yeah nice try. No, he already have the love of his life" She said

"Well still single forever i guess. How bout' you Sana?" Dahyun asked me that made me stop drinking my glass of juice here

"I never experience kind of that. But there's this one person, who made me feel so much butterflies in my stomach. That person... will be mine someday" I said it slowly and not even looking every inch on Tzuyu. But I notice she's been looking at me after I said that

"What a power you got tho. Maybe that person will definitely falls to you" Chaeng said and she just looked to Tzuyu quickly. What...the..

"Hey Dahyun, did you remember that we were going to your Aunt's birthday as well" Chaeng told her and she suddenly blink twice

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