However, as much as she enjoyed it, Olivia wasn't completely focused on the kiss. A small thought hopped around in the back of her mind. Alex was still ahead by one orgasm, and if she wanted to save Abbie's one hundred bucks (and her pride), she needed to catch up. A dare from a disappointed Abbie was the last thing she wanted to deal with. Besides, she had a plan. A sneaky plan that was probably more in line with Alex's personality than with hers. If she played her cards right, she would be able to win. She hoped that Alex didn't mind one more dose of humiliation to go along with the rest she had experienced this week.

But first, she needed to even the score - and that was something she was more than happy to have to do so early in the morning. She slid her hands down to cup Alex's ass, rubbing her palms over the pale white globes as she laid a distinct trail of kisses across the blonde's jaw to her ear.

"Mmm, good morning to you, Liv," Alex purred as Olivia's mouth laid hot, wet kisses to the sensitive hollow below her ear.

"Good morning," Olivia chuckled, taking Alex's earlobe into her mouth and nipping at it as she continued to let her hands glide over the smooth, wet flesh of the ADA's behind.

Alex let her eyes flutter closed under the heavenly onslaught of the detective's attentions and let herself lean forward into her lover, burying her face in the crook of Olivia's neck, a low moan tumbling over her lips as Olivia's fingers began kneading and massaging her ass.

Olivia smiled at the feeling of the pliant woman in her arms. The usually strong attorney was quite literally putty in her hands at the moment. "You like this?"

Alex nodded. "Mmhmm. I like anything you do to me."

That made her detective smile and nip the skin she had been sucking, drawing a gasp from Alex. "I can feel that," said Olivia, one of her hands crawling up to cup one of Alex's sensitive breasts. The other remained where it was, and Olivia smiled as Alex continued nuzzling her shoulder. Her soft, almost demure acceptance of Olivia's touch was so different from her demands from last night, but both varieties were welcome. She loved Alex any way she could get her - bossy and insistent, or soft and pleading and delicious. And Alex was undeniably delicious.

Sliding one thigh between the attorney's unsteady legs, Olivia began to back her up against the shower wall. "And I do love feeling how much you like it... when I touch you..." Olivia gave Alex's ass another firm squeeze with her left hand as her right continued teasing the prosecutor's nipple. Alex gasped, but arched her upper body into Olivia's hand. "When I kiss you..." Olivia pressed kisses to Alex's wet hair, then her forehead and cheeks before finally lingering around her lips. "And when I taste you..." they kissed once, softly, " you come in my mouth."

Alex groaned, her hips bucking forward automatically, encouraged by Olivia's short but sincere speech. "Uh..." She liked Olivia's idea. She liked it a lot. In fact, she liked it so much that she found herself beginning a slow grind on the detective's thigh, coating it with a thicker moisture than the one falling down on them from the showerhead. The hand behind her encouraged the rocking of her hips, urging her to press down harder as Olivia flexed the muscles in her thigh, giving Alex a harder surface to move against.

Smiling at the attorney's reaction, Olivia claimed Alex's lips in a deep, hungry kiss as she continued to encourage the blonde's movement against her thigh. Just the feeling of Alex's skin under her hands was usually enough to whet her appetite for more of the delectable ADA, but feeling Alex's smooth lower lips gliding against her leg, grinding against her with such obvious need, was enough to push her past wanting to taste and right into needing to taste.

Alex whimpered softly when Olivia's thigh disappeared from between her legs, her hips automatically bucking forward in a blind search for the limb. "Liv!"

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