'If I would've known it, baby'

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I promise i didn't forget about y'all :) I had a rough week. I might have cried writing this HAHA SORRYbarley edited it sorry for mistakes 

When Lindsey arrived at the other blondes door, she knocked fast and the door opened within a second. The two stood still and just smiled, until Lindsey bolted forward and hugged the smaller girl. She lifted her off the ground and Emily let out a small laugh.

"Missed you so much" she whispered into Emily's neck

"No more than I missed you" Lindsey set her down to then kiss her

It was like the two were stuck in time, taking in the feeling of each others lips. As Lindsey pulled away a smile grew on her face. Emily walked her girlfriend into her room and they laid on the bed telling each other all about break, as if they weren't FaceTiming every night.

"How does it feel to be 21? Finally able to, legally, go to a club" Emily laughed and rolled on her side

"I don't know, haven't tested it out yet" Emily leaned over and started kissing the other girls neck

She started sucking on her neck, "Have you told anyone you're girlfriends only a freshman"

"I forget sometimes I'm not going to lie" She said pulling away

"Okay, go back" She pushed Emily's head back to where it once was

After sometime, now both girls necks marked, they get up and go out for food. Lindsey let Emily choose since it was her birthday. Also Lindsey still didn't know many places. They arrived at this sandwich and salad place that Emily claims to have the best salad ever. The order their food, Lindsey paying for Emily's, and go find somewhere to sit.

They ate in silence until Emily's spoke up, "I have a question"

"...and it is?"

"Do you think I'm embarrassed to have you as my girlfriend?" She asked continuing to pick at her food

Lindsey asked, confused, "Why would you think that?"

"Well earlier you asked if I've told anyone I'm dating a freshman" She looked up

"Yeah but I mean that's just unusual no? A junior dating a freshman" Lindsey looked at her

"I mean we aren't in high school, were both adults so noting is wrong or illegal" Emily said as if It wasn't obvious

"Yes Sonny I know. I just feel like it's not normal" Emily grabbed Lindsey's hand

"Linds I don't care what people say, I love you and that's all that should matter. Fuck other people's opinions"

They sat and finished their food, walking hand in hand out to the car. On the way back Emily placed her hand high on Lindsey thigh making shivers go up her spine. They made it back to the dorms and into Emily's room. Rose was going to be gone for one more day, with her plane not arriving till tomorrow morning.

Lindsey dragged Emily to the bed and pushed her down while starting to attack her neck. Sucking the same spot that was just marked hours ago, exciting a moan out Emily.


Rose got back the next day, falling straight into her bed. Lindsey had left early that morning to unpack her bag and get ready for Monday practice and school.

"I hate flying" she said with a groan

"Welcome back Rosie" Emily said from the bed next to her

"Why do they schedule flights so early"

"So people can get where they want earlier"

"Yeah but it it's no fair if they only have an extremely early one or an extremely late one"

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