Chapter 4

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"Who?" one student asked

"what is he talking about." another student added 

"Khloe Becca Mikaelson" My father yelled

"Oh crap" Draco and I said. we both stood up "y-yes sir." i said 

"what a freak" a student whispered. Draco glared at them.

My father gestured me to come to the front of the room.

I squeezed Draco's hand and we kept walking. We got to the front and they questioned Draco like crazy

"What are you doing with her?" Aunt Freya asked

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY DAUGHTER?" my father yelled. scaring Draco, I raised my voice a bit.

"DAD, YOU DON'T CONTROL ME, AND DON'T YELL AT HIM" I was very angry at this point.

*Draco's POV*

Khloe yelled at her father and her eyes became that orangish-yellow again, so i tried to calm her down

"Hey, hey. look at me, it's OK. calm down" i said while turning her towards me. she just broke. she started crying and just fell onto me, holding me tight, I was not going to let her go no matter what, I-i love her. she needs to know i will be here and never leave. at this point her family has calmed down and dismissed class, so it was just the Mikaelsons and me. 

"Khloe, darling i'm sorry. i should't have raised my voice" her father said trying to pry her from my arms, but she would not let go of me. "Let her go son." he said with an anger in his eye.

"she won't let go of me" i simply said 

"I don't want to speak with them" Khloe said looking up to me. 

"Khloe please." they said. desperately trying to talk to her. 

all of a sudden we were in my dorm. "what just happened?" 

"I apperated." she simply said dragging me to the bed to cuddle. which i was fine with. 

"Princess, what is apperation?" i asked

"it is like teleportation" she said cuddling closer to me, laying her hand on my chest, her head nuzzled on my shoulder.

"goodnight Princess." i said in a tired voice, kissing her 

"nighty-night" she said yawning. 

*Klaus' POV* (This should be fun)

"Hey, hey. look at me, it's OK. calm down" The boy said while turning her towards him. she just broke. she started crying and just fell onto him, holding the boy tight, at this point we have all calmed down and I dismissed class, so it was just the us and the boy.

"Khloe, darling i'm sorry. i should't have raised my voice" i  said trying to pry her from the boys  arms, but she would not let go of him. "Let her go son." i said with an anger in my eye.

"she won't let go of me" he simply said

"I don't want to speak with them" Khloe said looking up to him.

"Khloe please." we said. desperately trying to talk to her.

all of a sudden they were gone. Where did they go? How did they leave so fast?

"What just happened Nik?" Rebekah said walking slowly towards me. "NIK!" she exclaimed. I was shocked, my daughter just vanished.

"I DON'T KNOW REBEKAH" I yelled back.

"I-I taught her that spell." a voice said. I turned and looked and it was Freya "Just in case someone tried to hurt her she could teleport to somewhere safe, in this case she thought her and that boy were not safe amongst us." she said, her eyes glassy. I believe we were all upset, my own daughter didn't feel safe around me. 

"It is alright everyone, we will find her and that boy, and have a CIVIL conversation, Niklaus,  no getting angry whatsoever." Elijah stated hugging Freya. 

"I saw the way Baby wolf looked at you Nik, she was angry. she wanted nothing more than to rip your heart out." Kol said sadly (A/N: baby wolf is your nickname from him). he was scared of what Khloe might do if she found out the reason we all came here. 

"We have to find her Klaus, there us no telling how far she went, and her being angry doesn't help anyone." Davina said. Ready to find Khloe as if that is all that mattered right now.

"Alright, alright. Let's go find my daughter." I said. Hoping she was alone so we could talk.

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