just trust me

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Adam's Pov

I parked my car outside of my girlfriend's house and saw her waiting on the sidewalk for me.

"Do you trust me" I said getting out of my car holding a blind fold in my hands.

"No, not really"

"Come on what have I ever done to you that doesn't let you trust me"


I rolled my eyes "Come on, just trust me this one time"

"Fine" she sighed. I put the blindfold around her eyes and tied it in the back of her head leading her to the passenger seat and buckling her in before running over to the driver's seat and putting on my seatbelt.

"What would you like to eat because it's gonna be a somewhat long ride"

"I want McDonald's please."

"McDonald's it is then." I replied starting the car and driving up to the drive thru and ordering us a small meal since we were going to eat more food later.

"Can I at least choose the music?"

"Fine but then you have to put the blindfold back on"

She started going through the radio stations until she found her favorite one and put the music really loud. She put the blindfold back on and started singing- no screaming the song out loud.

"You know just because you can't see doesn't mean you can't hear how loud you're being." I joked focusing on the road.

"You're no fun come on sing with me pleaseee" She whined.

I couldn't say no to her so I started singing along with her and using my hand as a fake air microphone like she was doing.

About an hour later we had arrived and I told her to stay in the car meanwhile I got the picnic basket I brought out of the backseat. I opened her side of the car and told her to get out.

"Come on but you have to keep the blindfold on, I'll lead the way just take me hand." I told her grabbing her hand.

"I swear if you let me fall or trip into a pole-"

"I won't, now come on."

I leaded her to the secret place and set our stuff down. I pulled out the big blanket and set it down so we could lay on it.

"Okay you can take it off now."

"Oh my God Adam it's beautiful." She gasped.

We were on a field of flowers and there was a little lake in front of us and the sun was about to set so it looked like a fairytale.

"I try."

I grabbed the food out of the picnic basket which was, sandwiches, pasta, chocolate covered strawberries, cookies, grapes, and some of her and mines favorite drink.

"Did you make this all by yourself?"

"Well my mom helped only a tiny bit though."

"Let's eat I'm hungry again"

We sat down across from eachother and started to eat again.

"Oh I almost forgot." I said wiping my hands and reaching into the basket pulling out a radio. I played her favorite songs and we finished eating.

Can't help falling in love came on and I knew I just had to ask her to dance with me. I jumped up to my feet and held out my hand.

"Dance with me?"

"Sure why not Banksie." She said taking my hand and letting me pull her up.

I placed one hand on her waist while taking her hand in my other hand while she placed hers on my shoulder.
We gently swayed to the music and just enjoyed another's presence.

"For I can't help falling in love with you." I gently sang to her while spinning her softly.

"I love you so so much." She whispered to me.

"I love you more." I said leaning in and kissing her.

The rest of that night we layed while watching the stars while letting the music play softly in the background.

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