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We continued walking towards the location, the second squadron never joining us. I nearly jumped when I heard a small crash from behind me. I turned to see Harley grabbing a gorgeous purse off of a mannequin.

"Seriously? What is wrong with you people?" said Rick, scoffing. Harley rolled her eyes, swinging the purse over her shoulder.

"We're bad guys, it's what we do," said Harley, making me chuckle. We continued to walk down the street, avoiding the trashed cars and scattered rubble. I noticed Floyd stop by another display, looking at a small mannequin with a white jacket. I stopped next to him, looking at him.

"She's your greatest fear." I said, catching his attention. "Losing her, I mean. I can see it in the way you talked about her, the way that she guides all of your actions."

He chuckled slightly, "Yeah... Am I that easy to read?"

"Not really. It's just one of my abilities, ya know? See a person's greatest fears and force them to see it. Like Boomerang over there, horribly afraid of spiders." I said, tilting my head towards the aussie. Floyd laughed, shaking his head.

"Do I get to know your name? I mean I already told you mine." he said, looking at me. I smiled.

"Allana. Allana Riviera." I said, looking up towards where everyone was still walking. "We better catch up. Or else Soldier Boy will probably blow our heads off." I quickly said, to which Floyd nodded.

We hurriedly caught up with everyone else, before Flag knelt on the ground as if giving a speech. He pointed up at the top of the building that was next to us. "Our body's at the top of that building. We get up there, pull them out of the vault they are hiding in, Helos will extract us off the roof." he explained. I nodded, watching as Flag stood back up carefully making his way over to the entrance to the building. Floyd and I shared a look, before walking ahead of them towards the building.

"What do you say we get this over with?" I asked, causing Flag's eyes to widen.

"What the hell? Deadshot! Sombra! Fall back!" said Flag, shaking his head.

Floyd and I ignored him, Floyd smashing the door open with his gun. The glass smashes to the floor, causing the squad to grin and Rick to growl slightly. I walked into the building being quickly followed by the squad.

I noticed the elevator was still in order and I smirked, knowing that now I didn't have to walk up the many steps. Harley seemed to have the same idea.

"Come on." she said, grabbing my hand. We quickly snuck off as the guys got into an argument about some joke someone said. We hurried into the elevator, quickly pressing the button for the top floor. That was when the guys noticed that we weren't with the group anymore. I locked eyes with Chato, so I smiled cheekily and waved to them.

As we rode up the elevator a black creature crashed into the lift, grabbing Harley's throat. I quickly formed a sword, cutting the creature's head off. A second creature burst in on my side, dodging Harley's bat. Before I could do anything Harley had done a flip onto the monster, shooting a monster I hadn't noticed was behind me. She quickly took down the monster she was on, leaving the three monsters dead on the ground.

The elevator dinged, signaling that we were on the top floor. The doors opened revealing the rest of the group and the SEALS aiming their weapons at both of us.

"Hey guys!" Harley said, grinning. I smirked, grabbing the decapitated head of the creature that I had killed up in my hands. I tossed it at Flag, as if it was a basketball, causing him to back up in disgust.

"Come on, let's go." I said, walking past them and towards what I assumed was where the target was waiting. We entered a room filled with large messed up desks, that was obviously an old office. A few of the SEALS searched the room, before Flag stopped them.

"Hold." he demanded, causing everyone to stop and look around. A small cracking sound sounded from somewhere nearby.

"I don't like this, Flag." said Floyd, looking around us with a nervous expression.

"I don't like it either..." said Flag, actually agreeing with Floyd. Floyd put on his mask, to which Harley said something that I couldn't hear. KC growled at the roof, so I lifted my hands. Two shadow swords formed in my hands, dark shadows seemingly coming off of me.

Suddenly monsters dropped from the ceiling, surrounding us. Shots fired, the creatures black goo-like blood splattering on me. But I didn't care. I teleported on top of a large group of the creatures, cutting off all of their heads as quick as I could. One of my swords was knocked from my hand, so I pushed my hand out, sending a wave of shadows towards the creature. They disintegrated almost automatically.

"They're after Flag again! Circle up! Circle around him!" yelled Floyd, so I teleported over to Flag. I took out the creatures that were around him, before the others got there. We circled around him, keeping the creatures away from him.

"Let me fight!" yelled Flag, which I scoffed too.

"As if we'd let you do that. You die, we die. Did you forget that, Soldier Boy?" I asked, sending him a quick glare, before lifting my hands towards the last remaining creatures. A dark aura surrounded them, lifting them into the air. I squeezed my hands tight into a fist, causing them to scream, before they exploded into piles of black goop and blood.

Silence falls, partly because we were catching our breaths and partly because people were staring at me in shock.

"Clear!" Flag yelled, "Everyone move out!"

We made our way outside of the room, before being met with bullets. As we ducked out of the way, Floyd noticed Chato was just standing there.

"Where have you been, Homie?" asked Floyd, angrily.

"This ain't my fight!" yelled Chato. Floyd shook his head, glaring at Chato.

"You know what?! You don't stand for sh**! You ain't about sh**!" yelled Floyd.

Hey guys! I know this isn't wear I'd normally end a chapter, but I've lost my inspo for the story for the time being... I've been working on it, but for now, this is gonna be it for a while. I promise that I'll try to get more of this done soon! It's getting closer and closer to the end, but I just haven't been able to do it.

Suicide Squad- El Diablo x OC ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now