Seven - Nothing Happened

Start from the beginning

"I'll replace them." Ren broke his chain of thought as she found and pulled on her garments.

"No, no. It's cool." Bakugo slowly sunk onto his bed, kind of unsure as to where to put his hands. "Are you... Okay?" He gestured to her abdomen, still so unsure as to where to put his hands.

Ren gave a lopsided smile. "Yeah, just shaky and a little tender..." His caring side was so foreign, she wasn't sure how to react. "Can I borrow this?" She pulled on Bakugo's shirt. "You kinda destroyed my shirt."

He chuckled. "My bad... I just really wanted to see you naked." Their uncomfortable small talk was interrupted by a sudden enthusiastic knock on Bakugo's door. Both heads snapped to the source of the sound. "What the fuck?" Bakugo muttered.

"Yo! Bakubro, you awake yet?" Kirishima's raspy voice sounded through the wooden door, making Bakugo's eyes widen to the size of saucers.

"Shit!" He exclaimed in a hushed tone. "I forgot it's fucking Wednesday!" He grabbed Ren's wrists and rapidly thrust her onto his bed again. She didn't even have time to make a peep before he'd thrown his bedding over her body and stumbled towards his door while Kirishima continued to impatiently knock. "What?!" He growled at his bud as soon as he'd swung the door open.

"Uh, running?" Kirishima asked with a raised eyebrow. "Did you oversleep? You never oversleep. Come on, get dressed we gotta go!" He was about to push into his friend's bedroom when Bakugo's arm snapped against the doorframe, blocking his path.

"You forgot your sweatband." Bakugo pointed at his forehead. "You get clumsy when your hair falls in your face." He shoved Kirishima back by pushing his palm over his face.

"You're right!" Nothing seemed to phase Kiri. He skipped back to his own room to search for the sweatband he used so often and yet could never find.

Bakugo waited until he saw Kirishima shut his door before he ripped his blanket off of Ren. "Quick!" He whispered to her as he helped her up and dragged her to his door.

"Um, thanks for letting me sleep. Sorry I got weird last night." Ren tucked her hair behind her ear. It fell out of place instantly.

Bakugo pushed the hair out of her face, causing Ren to blush and sink into her shoulders a little. "Yeah, that's cool." He opened his door and checked to see where Kirishima was at. His friend's door was still shut and he could even hear the airhead questioning himself on the whereabouts of his sweatband. "Come on." He waved her out to the hallway and she bounced towards the stairwell.

Bakugo glanced over at Kirishima's dorm room again, the door was still shut. "Ren!" He called to her, she paused just as she got to the stairwell and turned her head slightly to him. "Wanna do that again?" Ren bit into her bottom lip as a smirk spread across her cheeks. Her elusive response was a simple wink to Bakugo before she disappeared from his sight.

He sighed and leant on his door to shut it. What a night... His peaceful thoughts were interrupted once more by Kirishima's repetitive knocking. "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT I'M COMING!" Bakugo roared through the door before he folded his arms and pouted for a moment. The couch had left him sore and stiff, he really wasn't in the mood for this mornings run. He put on the first set of exercise gear he could find, pulled his running shoes on and joined Kirishima in the hall.

"Not like you to oversleep." Kirishima commented as they got outside to stretch. "Normally it's you pounding on my door for sleeping." Kirishima said to Bakugo between his own legs as he folded over and touched his toes.

"I had a rough night." Bakugo muttered back and stretched his hip flexes. Man they were sore, Bakugo considered making allowances for sex as a workout this week.

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