Chapter 1

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(A/n) hello everyone! It's been a while since I've posted but I've been making the first chapter so I hOPE YOU enjoy it!!! (School has started so I'll try my best to upload)

You wore a bored expression on your face as music and vibrations shook the club, leaving people having to yell to their partner to hear them.
    You could only blame yourself, if you were being honest. You were the one who agreed to go with your friends, after all, college is all about living life to the fullest! You know, getting so drunk you wake up in a ditch, making poor decisions with severe consequences, waking up in a stranger's bed, etc. Of course, none of this appealed to you and you'd rather be in your dorm cuddled up with a soft blanket while watching your favorite show.
     All around you were couples grinding on each other as they knew that the dim lighting would hide their risky movements. Only the devil knew what was happening beneath the darkness.
    The air was... a bit suffocating. The smells of sweat, liquor, and sex were dancing around in the air. You scrunched your nose in disgust. You wanted to go home, where the scent was a warm vanilla.
      You grabbed your blonde friend's shoulder as she was flirting with some guy. She always was the risk taker. She went to parties, clubs, gatherings, and college hang outs. You never could keep up with her. She was a ball of energy that was just waiting to be taken advantage of. As much as you loved her, you knew that she trusts easily. She was naive, and that worried you. However, the guy she was with seemed decent enough, young, handsome, smart, plus, he was the sweetheart of the school. Sugawara Koushi. He seemed kinda perfect, you couldn't blame her for taking an interest in him. But you weren't attracted to him like that. You needed something rougher, but was gentle at the same time. Sugawara was soft all around, or so you've heard. Your friend did drink less than usual so maybe she's actually serious about him this time?

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air, be careful." You whispered. She nodded, "Do you want me to go with you?" She was already grabbing her bag to leave, but you beat her to it.

"Nah, I'm fine. You enjoy yourself over there!" You forced a smile. The blonde smiled back and resumed her flirting that night.

      Sighing, you make your way to the upstairs balcony where the wind was a light breeze. Refreshing. You place your arms on the rail and rest your head on top, your (h/c) glistening with the moonlight. You tried to rest. Even if it was for a little bit. Anything to keep you from thinking of the men who were planning on getting lucky tonight while their wives were out of town. You inwardly sighed.

    "Cold night out tonight, huh?"

   You jumped at the deep voice, but remained in your position, "Uh... sure, yeah."
     He gave a small smirk, "So I'm assuming that clubbing isn't your thing?"
    "Not really, no. But it was my decision to go anyway." You inwardly sighed. It really was your fault you were here, you could've been in soft sweats at home.... but no... you're at a club, talking to a stranger, and feeling miserable.
     You felt the man lean against the rail next to you. Rising up from your position, you turned, your back resting on the rail.
   You looked at him for the first time.


    You didn't expect him to be so tall. Or maybe you were just abnormally short... You guessed that he was at least 6'ft. He appeared to have long, brown hair pinned up with a bun. Usually, you weren't very fond of guys with long hair, but he really did seem to work with it. How strange.

    "Do you wanna get out of here?"

You blinked, "leave...?"

He smiled, "Yeah, maybe go to a bakery or something? Should be nice... better than this place. No drunk bastards roaming around." You looked at him with squinted eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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