Wilbur goes insane because idk

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So somehow Fundy told Wilbur and Wilbur was like WHAAAAAAA and started going insane because he's old. I mean, he's 24 years old, what do you expect?

So I was like: Chill, dude, go to the hospital or something. As far as I know, YOU'RE the one bleeding.

And he was like: "No. You're the insane one."

And get this - he attacked me.

He was like: You don't get to eat my son and get away with it!!!

Bruh. He's kinda insane.

So, reader, I had one last piece of delicious Fundy meat left, and I stuffed it in his mouth.

Yes, reader, I stuffed the precious meat into Wilbur's mouth.

He's like: Whaaaaa

And then he munches on the meat! Like whoa!

"It's AMAZING!" cried Wilbur Soot. I grinned and told him that I told him so.

So time skip, to like I dunno, five weeks later and Fundy gets out of the hospital, and then this girl called CasualLattice25 comes in.

She goes super fangirl, and she's like: "OMG YOU ARE FUNDY AND WILBUR SOOT OMG" 

And I'm just like: #eatfundythehalfsalmon.

I tell her that Fundy actually tastes good and Wilbur agrees, to Fundy's dismay. Lettuce's eyes are like super duper super-wide-huge-wide open. 

"Hey," I told Wilbur, "Lettuce is a Lettuce. What if we add her in?"

Wilbur just frowns and says no, "Her name is just lettuce she isn't actually a Lettuce."

Lettuce just looks at me weirdly.

Then a couple of other random people came along with Lettuce and they're like: we're the salad bowl! Or something like that.

Me, being the awesome kid, just smiles and tells them to leave... VERY politely.

Like, I totally did not throw a bowl of fruit punch at them and gave astra3lotus a concussion... Right? I totally didn't do that. I would never!

So the weird Salad people left, and I just sat there with Fundy and Wilbur.

That's it, really. No lawsuits, no screaming, life just went on as normal.

If only I had a taste of Fundy again... At least he gave me some salmon to compensate for the salmon that he threw in the trash... Huh, I guess for that, I shouldn't inflict more harm on him. He's already been through a lot, with L'manberg/L'manburg or whatnot.

The end? Maybe. Or maybe the next adventure goes on in your own minds...

I Ate Fundy (with a dash of lettuce)Where stories live. Discover now