Chapter 2

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The next day during lunch, Josuke was found with his head on his desk, shoulders slouched. When his friends arrived to the classroom, they were afraid he might've been banging his head on it. Nothing Crazy Diamond couldn't fix, but what was more important at the moment was what was going on inside Josuke's head.

Koichi and Okuyasu were right by his side, sitting at parallel desks. Okuyasu almost dared to pet his head, but knew better to not touch the boy's precious pompadour.

His smaller friend spoke up first. "Don't worry Josuke, it's gonna be alright. You win some you lose some, right?"

The teen only groans in response. That wasn't sounding too good to the other two.

"Listen Josuke ya gotta give it at least one more try, the Josuke I know isn't a quitter, that's for sure!" His bed friend attempted to cheer him up, punching him in the shoulder. He finally raised his head with a less than amused expression.

"I guess. The problem with that though is how? She doesn't seem interested in the slightest, and I don't wanna come off as some creepy stalker guy!" He rubbed his neck.

The trio stayed silent for a second, trying to figure out a idea that wouldn't be a complete dud. Koichi was the only one of the three in a relationship, yet still didn't know how this situation should be approached. The three teenagers were novices at romance, that's one thing they easily discovered.

"O-oh! I got it!" The short boy finally yelled out, scaring the others. "You should write her a love letter! Tell her how you really feel through words on paper rather than having to look her in the eye!" letter?" The pompadoured teen tilted his head like a confused dog. After he fully realized the implications of his friend's suggestion, he shook his head, a tiny if red across his cheeks."N-no! No way! I'm not that serious about this yet Koichi! We've barely said anything to each other!"

"You don't have to say you love her, just say how you feel and ask her if you wanna meet up." Koichi added. "Simple as that. At least, in anime and manga it is." He mumbled the last part. Okuyasu nodded his head in agreement. At this point, Josuke didn't have many other options or people to get advice from.

There was Jotaro, but he had no idea what his love life was like. Didn't seem like any casanova to him anyway. Even if he asked, there's no guarantee the marine biologist would give him an answer. Second choice would be Yukako, which was an absolute no. He doesn't wanna scare you or come off as some creep. Third choice would be his mom. Nope, too embarrassing. She'd be setting up the wedding plans as soon as she hears he has a crush. Or there was Yuya...

"Give me a pen and some paper." He was already holding out his hand.


The teen didn't get anywhere with the letter at school.

He hoped home would be a better place to actually get it written. At least one word.

He contemplated getting Koichi on the phone for some pointers, but decided against it. These were his feelings he had to write about. Honesty is the best policy, he always thought. You deserved more than some corny letter that's probably copyrighted from a birthday card. Josuke sat at his partially cluttered desk. The note sat blank, and so did his brain.

Thoughts rolled in and out of his brain, asking himself questions like 'what do girls actually like again?' and 'Is she even the kind of chick that'd like something extremely cliche like this' Shaking his head helped to clear his brain and start anew. There were about four crumpled up papers in the trash bin. Tomoko had even dipped in his room to see how he was doing, assuming he was doing homework, she had given him a drink at his request. Along with a comment of how he looked like he was going to burst a vein if he thought any harder.

It was 8:30 now.

He had taken a break. One paragraph written. Some progress being made deserved a break for him on his console.

Josuke beat his high score, earning a wide grin across his cheeks. Thats enough for now, don't wanna ruin it.' He thought, placing the controller on top of the console. Laying back on his back, his arms stretched across the width of it, added with a yawn. The teen guessed now would be a good time to question why he was even doing this for that girl in the first place.

He didn't get crushes easily, that was sure enough. Maybe he liked 'exotic' girls, seeing that the first thing he knew about her was that she was foreign. Or perhaps it was because she was smart? Nah, he wouldn't fall for someone over something like that. Josuke wasn't the kind of guy to quickly judge someone based on whether they're the sharpest tool in the shed.

Maybe it could be because she's pretty? ...of course not. There were plenty of pretty girls that followed him to school or even gave him letters.

It was getting too much to rack his brain for answers at this point. He had started the letter already and he was going to finish it. Even if he gets embarrassed by it, too much time had been spent to just not hand it to her.

Josuke shuffled back to his desk chair and kept writing.


Today was the big day. Koichi and Okuyasu had been hyping him up even before they got to school. He had told the other two it was pure coincidence he had remembered where your locker was, but honestly how could he forget. It was right by the class, the place he got so bluntly rejected by two days ago.

What was actually lucky was that the envelope he bought was just small enough to fit through the slits at the top of your locker.

It was almost time for class, meaning you would be coming to get your books any second. Instead of just going to class like they should've, the pompadoured teen's two friends had convinced him to hide behind the corner to wait for your reaction. Josuke obviously protested, but all of them went silent at the sound of clacking against the marble hallway floor.

You had worn the heels again. He was almost inclined to think you were a delinquent.

Just as planned, you had gone to your locker. The trio were biting their bottom lips in anticipation.

Josuke was practically sweating as your hand went to the combination and the sound of you unlocking it. The other two were clutching his jacket, which was frankly painful, but he was far more focused on you.

The locker had finally opened.

Leaving you in an avalanche of love letters.

You quite literally had to back away as they all hit the floor in multiple smacks. One blue, one pink, some with a heart sticker, some even without a name. Josuke suddenly felt a sinking feeling in his gut

"W-woah!" Koichi shrieked. "You kinda went overboard Josuke!" Okuyasu's jaw hung open, staring in disbelief. Josuke pushed the both of them off.

"Th-those aren't mine!"

You looked incredulously at the letters, picking them up. Some fellow students stared while walking past. A few girls start mockingly giggling and also snarling at you. Not knowing quite what to do or think, you put them back in your locker and got out your books. You hurriedly walked into class, not even making eye contact with anyone else.

"Looks weren't the only one with the same idea, ey Josuke?" Okuyasu swallowed a lump in his throat.

"This is gonna be a lot harder than we thought."

Promposal :: Josuke Higashikata x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon