key !!

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✨hey queens (and kings and my nb royalty )✨

i guess i just kinda want to do this to make it a ✨real✨ oneshot book, so here's some things to know before reading 


(Y/N): your name

(L/N): your last name

(h/c): hair colour

(h/l): hair length

(e/c): eye colour

(M/N): mother's name

(F/N): father's name

(B/N) or (S/N) or (SB/N): brother/sister/sibling's name (idk if i'll use this one)

(s/t): skin tone

(b/t): body type (again, idk if i'll use this one)

(y/h): your height

(f/c): favorite colour

☆and so forth... ☆


and of course, you can always request a oneshot ! just either put it in the comments or message me privately ! you can always say whether or not you want it to be anonymous, and if you don't like it, i'll be happy to rewrite it. 


✿- fluffy oneshot

☾- angsty oneshot

❤- spicy oneshot

and of course, if anything may be triggering to anyone, i'll be sure to put a trigger warning at the very beginning of the shot. i'm pretty much open to writing anything, however, i will let you know if i'm uncomfortable writing something. please do not be shy !!! i am so so bored during classes and i love to write, so please leave requests ! 


some things i am not comfortable writing about:

- incest

- pedophillia

however, if you would like to request a platonic brother or sister reader, i will make sure to include a + in the title, instead of an x. i mean, we all know pika would probably be a great brother, a little overprotective, but what can ya do. so as long as you follow those guidelines, i'm happy to fulfill your requests ! criticism is appreciated, so please don't hesitate :) 

thank you so much for reading !


kurapika one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ