As we took our seats, her doctor made casual conversation with us. "Is it safe to assume this is your boyfriend?" She asked, looking at me. I nodded with a smile on my face, I loved claiming to be hers. "It is very nice to have you here and see you supporting her. I assume this is important news for the both of you." Addison smiled as she bragged about me, telling her how amazing I was. I couldn't help but blush, she knew I wouldn't miss this for the world though.

The doctor now reached for her paperwork, grabbing it and looking over at us, asking if we were ready for the big reveal. We both nodded as I squeezed her hand, letting her know that everything would be okay, regardless of the result. "Ok let's get right to it then.. I am unsure as to whether this is good news for you two or not. But I can confirm that you are pregnant Addison."

My heart sunk at the sound of her words, I couldn't believe it. This was something I told myself repeatedly that could happen. But actually hearing it felt different. I looked over to Addison who was now in tears, but they seemed to be happy tears. I heard the doctor congratulate us in the background, but I blocked everything out except for my girl. I looked over at her, holding onto her hand once again before I kissed her.

She pulled away just to bury her face in my shoulder and cry in my arms. "You're pregnant Addison.. we're gonna be parents." I whispered, feeling like I had to repeat it to myself for it to be real. She looked up at me as she nodded and took my face into her hands. "We're really pregnant.." she whispered as I nodded.

The doctor interrupted our moment as she spoke again. "You two are beautiful to look at. I am glad to see this reaction from you two. I want to also confirm that you are six weeks along Addison. A great time to find out about your pregnancy. We will of course monitor you, have monthly ultrasounds and make sure this is a smooth pregnancy for you." She let us know. I thanked her, telling her that I trusted her with the love of my life and my upcoming next love.

"I hope to not fail you two. I wish you the best of luck in your journey, Addison." She told her, giving her a hug. We said our goodbyes and walked out of her office. As we reached my car, Addison broke into tears again. "I'm sorry, it's not me, it's these hormones!!" She said, giggling and telling me she couldn't control it. "I'm just happy.." she whispered, smiling.

~ addison pov 

Bryce pulled me into his arms as he squeezed me lightly, telling me how happy he was as well. This didn't feel like real life, I didn't expect to be pregnant again so early.. but it felt like the biggest blessing in the world. I knew what to expect with my pregnancy, but having someone by my side who actually loved me this time and was also excited.. was all I could ask for. 

As we jumped in the car, I asked him to drive to my home. I wanted to tell Jacob about the news, I wanted him to be the first one to find out. As we arrived to my house, I ran in, pulling Bryce by his hand. I looked around for Jacob to only find out that he was napping. "He fell asleep about an hour ago though, he should be up soon." My mother said. I nodded, having to bite my tongue around her before I let the news drop. Bryce wanted to have a cute dinner for them to reveal the news, which I thought was the cutest idea, so I would wait. 

As Bryce and I went upstairs, we hung out for a bit in my room before I became antsy. "I'm gonna wake him up.." I said, Bryce chuckling but following me into his room. I just knew how excited Jacob would be, he would be so happy to have a sibling and would be the most perfect big brother ever.. I already knew it. 

We walked towards his bed and saw him sleeping peacefully. I almost felt bad waking him up, but it would be worth it. Bryce took him into his arms carefully, Jacob slowly waking up in the process. He rubbed his eyes and looked up at us. "Mommy? Daddy??" he whispered, definitely confused as to what was going on.

"Hi baby.." I whispered, softly caressing his cheek. I smiled at him as I kissed his forehead. He quickly sat up in Bryce's arms, his tiredness fading away quickly. "I missed you guys!" He said, completely having slept through us being away, but it was still cute to hear that. 

"We missed you too buddy! Mommy and I have a surprise for you." Bryce said, Jacob's eyes glowing as he stood up and jumped in his arms, asking us what it was. I giggled as I calmed him down. "First, you need to pinky promise it will be our little secret because nobody else knows!" I told him, extending my pinky out towards him. He linked his little pinky with mine, which was always the most adorable think ever. Not even two seconds after the promise was done, he asked me what the secret was. 

I smiled as I now pulled him into my arms. "You know you will always be mommy's baby right??" I asked him, Jacob nodding. "And Daddy's too!!" he added cutely, Bryce nodding, telling him that would never change. 

"Well Mommy and Daddy are going to have another baby!" I told him. Jacob's jaw dropped as he was surprised but excited. He jumped up, "I'm going to have a brother??" he asked, making us laugh. "Well a baby brother or sister, but yes." I said. Jacob jumped up and down on his bed, telling us how excited he was. 

"You are going to be a big brother! The best big brother ever!" Bryce said, Jacob nodded. "I going to play with them and take care of them!" He said, making my heart feel like it was going to explode. I began to tear up again, these damn hormones were really getting me. Bryce leaned closer to me as he kissed me and pulled me into his arms, Jacob also joining in on the hug. 

This was my little family and I couldn't wait for our new addition. 

** cuteness overload 🥺🥺 ok also, the next chapter will be the last! But I will be writing a sequel:) Also check out my new story! ❤️

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