Holding On and Letting Go

Start from the beginning

        "Oh my god, oh my god, is he dead? He- he can't be dead, he can't be dead, he can't be-"

        "Evie, it'll be alright. Come on," Rossi said, taking her arm and leading her down the other end of the hallway. 

        "No! I have to see him! Why won't you let me see him?" she shrieked, trying to break free of his grasp. She slipped her arm out of Rossi's grip for a moment, pushing through two agents and going for the room where they crowded around Spencer, but an arm shot out and caught her in the abdomen, stopping her in her tracks. 

        "Lawrence, you need to let the medics do their job." Hotch said as he restrained her. Morgan pushed the crowd and showed up to put a strong and heavy hand on Evelyn's shoulder. 

        "Come on, sweetheart." he said. She didn't want to listen though. Her baby was in there all broken on the inside of that room, possibly dying and she wasn't there beside him. She nearly was tempted to try to shove Hotch and Morgan aside to get there, but she knew she wouldn't be able to even if she treid. Evie just struggled against Hotch's strong arm and Derek's strong hand on her shoulder. 

        "Please, please, I have to see him..." she kept repeating over and over again, half sobbing and half breathing in fast bursts of air. Voices tried to talk sense into her but she blocked all of them out and only focused on the pounding sound of her heart. At one point she could hear a deep voice from inside the room yelling,

        "He's coating!" which made her fight even harder. She eventually felt Morgan's strong arms wrap around her waist and lift her into their air against his chest so she couldn't touch the foor. She tried to push him away, her hands on his shoulder when she could reach it, her legs kicking out, but he was much too strong for her. He held her tightly and carried her out into a new hallways she's never seen before, but she didn't pay much attention. 

        "Morgan, let me go!" she shrieked, kicking and fighting the entire walk to the giant front brass doors. Morgan ignored her screaming and protests and continued to forcefully move her outside. The cold air hit her skin as they pushed through the doors. It was somewhat of a method of shocking her out of her freak out session. Instead, she let her body go limp as she was consumed with sobs. Once at the closest FBI SUV, Morgan set her down and wrapped his muscle built arms around her torso, pulling a crying Evie into his firm chest. Evelyn let herself fall against him and just cry as he held her and rubbed her back soothingly. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the rest of the team gather around them, watching the doors for something. 

        Turning to see what they were all watching, Evie saw men dressed in white pulling out a stretcher with Spencer lying lifelessly on top. One medic held an oxygen mask to his mouth and another was pressing a cloth to a large spot of blood on Spence's chest. His eyes were closed, not even fluttering a bit. They wheeled him past where the team stood and carried him into the ambulance.

        "Is he going to be okay?" Evie whispered into Morgan's chest. He let her go just for Garcia to throw her arms around Evie so both of them could hold eachother and cry. 

        "Yes, yes of course he will." Garcia said, but it sounded like she was trying to assure herself just as much as Evie. She nodded even though no one knew if it was going to be true. She felt Rossi's hand on her shoulder and JJ squeeze her hand. It gave her strength having both her and Spencer's friends there, but nothing could hide the fact that he wasn't okay. 

        "Excuse me..." a medic said, running over to them from the ambulance. Everyone whipped around, expecting news about Spencer. 

        "Agent Reid..."

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