⟡ ch.1

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"Y/n! Come look at what came in the mail for you!" Y/n's guardian yelled signaling that he wanted her to come downstairs. She closed her book before heading downstairs. She walked towards the living room and saw her guardian holding something behind his back, trying to hide his grin.

"What are you smiling about?" Y/n asked, grinning with him.

"I think you can guess what is behind my back." He smirked.

Y/n's grin got bigger and she exclaimed, "Please tell me it's my Hogwarts letter!" He smiles and hands her what was in his hand.

She grabs it from his hand and already saw the Hogwarts logo of the four houses when she turned it around. She opened the envelope and scanned through the letter.

Dear Ms. Lebelle,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Y/n didn't even have to read the rest before she screamed, "I GOT IN!!" She hugged her guardian with excitement. "Thank Merlin! I turned eleven months ago and I was worried that I wouldn't get in." They pulled away from the hug to have matching grins on their faces.

"That's rubbish Y/n and you know that. I mean, you are my goddaughter. Why wouldn't you get in?"

"Maybe the fact that I am your goddaughter would be the reason I don't get in."

"Touché." He smirked as he realized that she has gained his humor. "Well, go get your shoes. We might as well go get your supplies while there is still daylight."

Y/n nod and run upstairs to go get her shoes while jumping with excitement.

➳ ➳ diagon alley

While Y/n's uncle pushed the cart, she mentally checks off the items that she has already gotten. "So all I need is an animal and a wand," Y/n said as she looked up at him.

He isn't paying attention as he is looking ahead. Y/n looks at where he is looking and see a woman with black hair and white streaks staring at her.

She starts to get creeped out and tugs on her uncle's arm. "Who is that woman and why is she just staring?"

He shakes his head before looking at Y/n. "No one dear." He bends down to her height and looks at her. "No one you need to worry about okay?" 

Y/n nods and looks towards where the woman was to see that she was gone. "Say, why don't you go get your wand and I'll get your animal." He gives her a reassuring smile and stands up.

"How do you know which animal I desire?" Y/n desired an owl but she wanted to see what he would choose for her. 

"I've known you your whole life dear. I think I know which one you desire." He points towards the direction of a shop. "I'll meet you outside of Ollivanders okay?" She nods and walks into the store.

Y/n look around in awe at all of the wands in the store. "Hello dear. Welcome to Ollivanders! Are you ready to find your wand?" The old man between the large shelves of wands and walks towards her. She nervously nods and he begins to hand her different wands.

➳ ➳

Y/n walks out of Ollivanders beaming with glee as she fiddles with her new wand. A silver lime wood with a unicorn hair core and other things she doesn't remember. She looks up and accidentally bumps into someone.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." Y/n looks up and sees the same woman from before that was staring at her. 

"It's alright dear. Just look next time." She replies before walking away. Y/n watches her walk away before shifting my attention back to her wand.


Y/n puts her wand away and looks up. She gasps as she sees a beautiful barred owl. "You do know me!!" She hugs her uncle and thank him.

"I told you. Now, what are you going to name him?"

She smiles when she realizes that it is a boy. "Newt." (Hehe maze runner fools! I say fools a lot sorry haha)

"That's a beautiful name Y/n. Shall we get going? You still need to pack." She nods her head as they head back home.

➳ ➳

When they get back home, Y/n runs up the stairs into her room. She excitedly grabs her trunk and pack loads of things. Clothes, books, robes, and everything else she believes that she needs. 

After she had finished packing, she places the trunk next to her closet, ready to go. She hears a knock and opens the door to reveal her uncle standing there. Y/n opens the door, even more, signaling for him to come in.

"Someone is eager to leave me." Her uncle says, a hint of sadness laced in his voice.

"Never. I promise you'll never stop getting owls from me." Y/n chuckled and hugged her uncle.

"I'm gonna take you up on that promise. Go to sleep now dear, we don't wanna be late for the train do we now?"

"Of course not." He kisses her head and walks towards the door/ 

"Goodnight Y/n."
"Goodnight Uncle Remus."

He smiles and turns off the light before closing the door behind him. Y/n walk to her drawer and change into her pajamas.

"Goodnight Newt." He flaps his wings as a response and she turns off her bedside lamp. Y/n lays in her bed, excited for her upcoming year in Hogwarts.

➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳

Hi loves!!! How was the first chapter? Don't be afraid to give me feedback! Tell me anything you don't like and I will change it! But yeah I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you next chapter :)

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