part 2 : First day at UA

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So hazel was walking to UA and got pulled into an alleyway and it was dabi and he asked is today your first day of school hazel said yes . So dabi was walking hazel to school and hazel walked into the building and seen bakugo and deku so hazel went to go talk to them . When you go to say hi you see that deku is sad so hazel asked "hey deku what is wrong" deku says " I'm fine " hazel says" ok "so hazel, bakugo and deku was walking to class 1-a hazel had to wait out of the classroom .

mr.aizawa told hazel to come in the classroom and introduce herself then hazel walks in and says " hi my name is Hazel Bakugo I'm 16 years old and my quirk is light and dark "then mr.aizawa says " go sit next to sero" hazel says" ok " so hazel go sits next to sero and then mr.aizawa says "hazel and sero stay after class " hazel and sero says "ok " so they go back to doing there work . Next thing they know class is over so they go up to Mr.aizawa and asked "hey mr.aizawa why are we here "then mr.aizawa says "hazel does not have a room so you guys will be sharing a room" sero says that's ok with me hazel what do you think" hazel says it's ok with me when do I move in " mr.aizawa says you can move in today "

then hazel says "ok" so hazel and sero walks to the dorms with all your stuff and sero is playing spanish music and Hazel starts to sing along sero asked "hey you know spanish"hazel says " yes I do my mom is spanish so learned it " sero says "that is cool is that a guitar than Hazel says"yes it does s I play music and and I can sing I'm also I'm a band it called the little devil's I play base guitar and I can sing duets with people" then Hazel shows sero her guitar then sero yells "

 then hazel says "ok" so hazel and sero walks to the dorms with all your stuff and sero is playing spanish music and Hazel starts to sing along sero asked "hey you know spanish"hazel says " yes I do my mom is spanish so learned it " sero says "tha...

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hey denki and Kiri come look at Hazel's guitar "then the boys say "can you please play something for us "then hazel plays a song from her notebook that she was working on then when she gets done she sees that the whole class is in her dorm when she seen that everybody was in her dorm she got very nervous and had to cover her face .

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