Backstory Part Two

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It was midnight; I looked out the window still seeing the island alive with light and music. The moon was bright casting a warm glow on my face mixed with the candle burning in my hand. Hector was behind me putting on his boots.

"What's the rush?" I asked still in my underclothes. He looked at me, a very relaxed look on his face and said

"I was going to head back to the Pearl first so your brother or the crew don't suspect anything." As always he seemed to have everything planned. I nodded although I thought it was still too early to be leaving this soon but he was a man who couldn't be swayed easily.

He stood up, gave me one last kiss and told me he would see me back on the ship. With that he left. I sat down on the bed watching the candle flicker my mind full of thoughts. Would jack really be that upset if he found out about Hector and I? Why was Hector so keen to get going we weren't leaving until the morning? I didn't have much time to think on these thoughts as I soon fell asleep under the pale moonlight.

Third person POV

The crew started to board, silently cursing Jack for wanting to make port so late at night, they knew better than to object although leaving at an hour past midnight. Jack hurried them aboard; Hector avoided him presuming Holly would be next to him as she usually was. He didn't want Jack thinking they spent any their time ashore together. They set sail, Hector was a bit concerned he hadn't seen her at all but she was always where she needed to be so he had no worries that she hadn't made it aboard.

Back to Holly's POV

I awoke to the first crack of dawn shining through the window I sat up and started to get ready to leave. It was only just light as I walked down to where we had left the Pearl only to find it gone! Had someone stolen it? Jack surely wouldn't leave without me. I headed to the bar to see if I could find any crewmates hanging about or better yet Jack.

Once I got to the bar I searched it thoroughly only to not find anyone. I went to the bar to talk to the bartender,

"Say, you wouldn't know where Jack is would you?" I asked him. We were a well known crew on Tortuga so he knew who I was talking about.

"Oh... er yeah. Jack asked me to give you this." He said as he handed me a wax sealed letter. I thanked him. I left the bar as I opened the letter.

"My dearest sister,

As you have probably guessed I have left you on Tortuga. Can't tell you why but good luck with whatever you do now.


That bastard, leaving me on Tortuga. How dare he, He will pay for this.

Third person POV

Back on the Pearl the crew were getting suspicious that Holly was nowhere to be found, she was well liked among the crew so her absence was noted. The most suspicious was Hector, obviously. Jack could hear the murmuring between the crew

"Look" Jack announced, getting everyone's attention "I left Holly on Tortuga, I told her the wrong leaving time." Everyone looked shocked as Jack admitted to leaving Holly behind. It was clear he wasn't going to tell them why so the crew were left to guess but no one could think of a reasonable explanation. Jack and Holly were as thick as thieves, where one went the other wasn't too far behind.

Hector was seething. He had been planning a mutiny but put it off as Holly would never agree so he gave up on the idea. This however was the last straw. That night he gathered the crew and told them the mutiny would be tonight. Tonight was the night they would finally maroon Jack on an island with nothing but a pistol with only one shot. 

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