You Hurt Me More Than You Know.....

Start from the beginning

"Hi." I reached down to touch the both of them, but before I could I felt a sharp pain through my heart. I felt blood coming up my throat then over spilled over my mouth. When I turned around Mikael is standing there, grinning. He grabs me into a chokehold.

"Greetings, boy." He sneered. This couldn't be happening he was dead how could he be here?

End Of Dream

I suddenly woke up and turned the light on and saw that I was in my bedroom, I was sweating and felt frighten, it felt so real I saw the man who I've loathed for a thousand years. I just couldn't understand after all this time why I would dream about the man I loathed more than anything? I guess it because fatherhood creeping up upon me, and my fears that I might turn into him. I couldn't do that to my children I refuse to allow my fear to turn me into the same monster as he. The issue is when you try to be something you don't want to be somehow your turn into the monster you fear. My relationship with Star is proof of that as I try to be the man she deserves but I'm always so monstrous to her. Was there hope for me? Was there a chance that I could be the father I wanted to be for my children? Those question could only be answered when they are here, and just need to believe in myself that I'll be nothing like that.

I couldn't go back to sleep so I chose to get showered and ready as today was the funeral of Father Kieran. They didn't mess around here as they burry someone within 24 hours of their death I looked at myself in the mirror fixing my tie I looked a mess right now. With Star rejection then to dream of the man I called father haunting me in my dream it's no wonder I'm like this. I needed something strong to drink to control these emotions that are running through me right now. Today will not be a day where I will break.

I left the compound and made my way to Rousseau's where the wake of Father Kieran's was being held. The Quarter is throwing an Irish-style wake in his honour complete with Irish music not forgetting lots of alcohol and tons of people who have gathered to share stories of Father Kieran and celebrate his life. I sat alone at a table with a glass of scotch pondering on my thoughts of how I could fix everything. I know they say once something is broken that it can't be repaired, but I refused to believe that there had to be a way to mend everything that had gone wrong. Even as I tried to think of that all that came into my mind was that dream of Mikael I was angry and annoyed because I still allowed him to affect me until this very day.

"Hey! Earth to you!" I came out of my thoughts to see Camille and I notice the wound on her face from where Kieran attacked her in the church last night.

"Your face—" I began to say but Camille stopped me in mid-sentence.

"--Will heal. Listen, I wanted to thank you—" I didn't want to hear thanks as I shouldn't of left her alone. If I had stayed neither her or Star would been hurt. It still boggling my mind why Star was even there she wasn't one to go church. I held up my glass to Camille.

" --Unless you've come equipped with the means to fill this, no additional platitudes are necessary." Camille looked at me before taking a sit in front of me with a worrisome look upon her face.

"Okay... I'm in a crap mood because my uncle just died, and people are partying like its Mardi Gras. Is Star okay? Has something happened to her and the baby?" She spoke with fear in her voice after what her uncle had attempted to do to her. I didn't reply as there was far too many thoughts that were running through my mind today. "Klaus, seriously, what's going on?" She demanded and I looked at her and there was definite fear in her eyes. Whether it was because of guilt or that she care that was unknown to me.

"Star, and the baby are fine Camille." A look of relief filled her face as I told her that. I was grateful too that they were both ok I wouldn't know what I would do if I was to lose either of them. I felt that my world was falling apart now if the day ever came where that would happen I really don't know what I would do. "I've been having these dreams about my dead father." Camille seemed stunned with mentioning my father but I didn't need her to tell me the reason behind it all. I knew exactly why I was had that dreadful nightmare. "No diagnosis necessary, love. I've already got this one covered: my fears of fatherhood, of scarring my children as my father scarred me, are manifesting as nightmares." I smiled at her fakely and consumed my drink straight after. "It's horrifically cliché." Which it was because more than anything I vowed to myself that I would not be like him that I would show my children love and affection. To be there for them not to raise my voice or lost my temper but to help them understand. With my son I would want to do all the fatherly thing that all father and son like play baseball go to a football game, do all the things that would make our bond even stronger. With my daughter I would be there for a dance recital or sit there with her while having a picnic with her teddy bear. Whatever my children wanted from me in affection and attention I would give it to them, because that something a true father would do they would stop the world around them for something so precious in their lives.

'The Love That Blinds Us' A Klaus Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now