The Alphabet Of My Out Of Context Quotes

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I got bored so I decided to just make an alphabet of random out of context things I've said. Yes, I've actually said all of these things, don't judge me. Also please don't be offended by anything, most of this was said jokingly or was caused by misspeaking, none of it is meant to bully or offend anyone. Before you ask, no I will not give you the context, you'll just have to live with the confusion. You won't even get the full quote sometimes, just the bit that fits the letter XD
Have fun being confused!

A is for: (to the tune of Apple Bottom Jeans) "Apple butter beans, fruits with the berr (like berry but made to rhyme with 'fur')"
B is for: "we need Bigger dick energy"
C is for: "Canada is training attack beavers to hunt down minors who abuse PornHub"
D is for: "I need my Dirty bean water"
E is for: "aren't Erections just another form of blushing?"
F is for: "Fortnite and dildos should not be in the same store"
G is for: "-Gonna shove your own dick so far up your ass that you'll be coughing cum for a month"
H is for: "-Heavy-set middle aged man with a comb"
I is for: "I don't know what I'm doing but I'm doing it"
J is for: "Joking is how I cope with existence"
K is for: "Kinky"
L is for: "we can just look at something and know exactly how it would feel to Lick it"
M is for: "for the Motherland!"
N is for: "Now we get to pay money to interact socially, as if I needed more reason to not socialize"
O is for: "I'm an Oddly sexual asexual"
P is for: "Punt me like a soccer ball, if I don't fly over the house then you're a bitch ass motherfucker with weak legs"
Q is for: "-Quietly plotting murder"
R is for: "he ate my Rice bowl ;-;"
S is for: "StOp TrYiNg To EaT mY eArBuDs!"
T is for: "Tickle me again and I'll chew off your legs"
U is for: "I can't do anything stupid if I'm Unconscious"
V is for: "-Very casual homicide"
W is for: "Why would you put hentai on a meme site?!"
X is for: "Xgjkydwrbjydqfvjtvdsasbligds"
Y is for: "Yes, I'm annoying, now stop complaining or kill me yourself, coward"
Z is for: "imagine you're cuddling in bed and your partner whispers sensually: Zoo wee mama~"

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