author's note

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Hello everyone! So to start this author's note I would like to thank all my amazing readers for your massive and appreciated support. You are all really awesome and I love you all. I know I keep saying that but I do it because I want it to get embedded in your minds so you never forget because I know that my story has somehow become a minor part of your life and if you think about it really hard and philosophically (like me) you'd probably come to realize how terribly amazing that is. 

And I've realized that the blurb is a little if not a whole lot vague about what the story is going to be about so here's a little insight on the story: the story will follow two people who are inexplicably bound to each other and it's basically a story that indicates my views on soul mates and a more in depth perception on the vast and complex topic that is love and life. Okay I just wrote the word story like a whole load of times. 

If you liked 9:12, you will most definitely and not arrogantly speaking, love this one. I promise. Give it a try and let me know what you think! But first of all, as always, here's a poem made by me, to get you in the mood of things! 

Two Lovers' Dance

 amidst the glow of the big bright sun two lovers dance,
their eyes illuminating that of a thousand maybe even a billion stars,
their movements told a legend of great love and romance,
amidst the glow of the big bright sun two lovers dance.

amidst the glow of the deep dark night two lovers dance,
their smile illuminating that of broken sorrows maybe even hearts,
their touch told a legend of cruel wounds and one chance,
amidst the glow of the deep dark night two lovers dance.

amidst the glow of the twilight sky two lovers dance,
their shadows illuminating a beautiful story,
and it told in dancing silhouettes of their bounded tapings ,
the love that told of two lover's curse,
and it whispered the melody that is the lovers' dance.

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