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Word spread fast in the institution after my fight with Harding. The few friendships I had grew stronger while I made a few more enemies. It appeared that two factions had been created: those who stood by Harding and those who stood by me. Billy and Taber had stood by me when people started to pick sides. Unless you were looking, the factions weren't necessarily clear. But when we went into therapy sessions or the few of us went on a day trip, it was very clear. It was my first day trip since arriving at the institution and I kept close to Billy. Taber had taken on the role of my bodyguard. He would let us know if there was going to be any trouble from Harding or his group. This particular trip, we were at the zoo. We were allowed to walk around in pairs of two or three and Billy had paired with me right away. Taber tagged along to keep an eye out for us. Billy had dragged me to the polar bear enclosure.

"Of all things, why polar bears?" I laughed as Billy watched them in awe.

"Th-they're p-p-pretty." Billy said, a blush spreading on his cheeks. I gently nudged him and pulled on his sleeve.

"Come on." I said, knowing exactly how to show him it shouldn't be embarrassing about what animal he liked. "Let's go see my favorite animal." I took the lead as we entered the aquarium.

"W-w-what a-are w-we d-doing h-here?" Billy asked. I smiled as I led him past the fish, seals, sea lions, and whales. (Y-Y/N)?" he asked we entered the penguin enclosure.

"This is why we're here." I pointed at the group of penguins in front of a group of schoolkids.

"P-p-penguins?" Billy asked with a smile. I looked over my shoulder at Taber who was smiling at me as well. "Y-you l-like p-p-penguins?" I nodded, bringing my attention back to Billy.

"Yep." I smiled. "Always have. They're just too cute." The kids moved away from the glass and i stepped up to take their place. I sat down as the penguins turned their attention to me. Looking up at Billy, I motioned for him to take a seat next to me. "I mean come on. Just look at how they walk!" Billy laughed as he sat down.

"Th-they l-look like like th-they a-are w-wearing t-t-tuxedos." I laughed and nodded.

"Yeah they do." I agreed.

"While this is fun, Harding's coming." Taber interrupted. Billy and I stood up before turning towards the exit. "When are we ever going to be rid of this guy?" Even though it was under his breath, I caught it.

"How about when the three of us get out of the institution?" I laughed, putting an arm around each boy's neck.

"Y-you k-know th-tha isn't isn't g-going to h-happen a-anytime s-soon." Billy shook his head as his arm went around my waist. Taber nodded in agreement as he put his arm around my shoulders.

"Guys," I pulled them closer. "You forget who you are talking to." I joked. Both of them broke out into massive grins. We left the aquarium and headed towards the food court. "Anyone got money for food?" Taber nodded and handed it to me. "What do you guys want?"

"Anything is fine by me." Taber said. I nodded and looked at Billy expectantly.

"I'll g-g-go w-with y-you." I nodded as Taber went off to find us a table. "D-do y-you th-think H-h-harding is l-l-looking f-for us?" I watched as Billy pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit up.

"I don't think so." I shrugged. "I have a feeling he's getting tired of this just as much as we are." We got in line and I looked up at the menu.

"B-but d-don't y-you th-think he's he's g-going t-to g-get N-nurse R-ratched on y-you?" I shook my head and shot Billy a small smile for his concern.

"Not really." I looked back at the menu. "He can play all the games he wants but he knows in the end she won't touch me and anyone who does will be in big trouble." I turned back to Billy, having made my decision. "Especially if it gets out and it always gets out."

"W-when y-you p-put it th-that w-way." Billy chuckled and looked up at the menu. "C-could y-you o-order for for m-me?"

"Of course." I nodded. "What you want?"

"H-hot d-dog." Billy smiled as I nodded and stepped up to the window. While I placed my order, Billy looked over his shoulder at Taber. I smiled at the person behind the counter and took my change.

"Come on." I tugged Billy's sleeve to get his attention and moved over to the pick up window. I leaned against the counter as I watched Billy smoke. It was a quiet wait for our food before we took it back to where Taber was sitting. "So what now?" I asked as we sat eating. Taber and Billy exchanged looks. "We have an hour left guys. Where are we gonna go?"

"How about the lions?" Taber suggested. I looked over at Billy who nodded.

"Sounds good." We finished up our food before heading over to the lions. Taber walked up to the glass and busied himself with watching them. Billy and I hung back, nervous that Harding might show up and start something. "Everything ok Billy?" He looked up at me from staring at his shoes.

"O-of c-course." He said, eyes wide and slightly nervous.

"Well you were taking a mighty big interest in your shoes there." I shrugged as I pointed at his shoes. "Figured there might be something on your mind." Billy nodded as he ducked his head again. "You know you can tell me anything Billy. Any secret is safe with me."

"I-i l-l-like y-you." Billy mumbled out. "I l-l-l-like y-y-you a l-l-lot." He kept looking at his shoes while I stared at him in shock. The weight of what he had just said hit me like a truck and I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my face or keep the joy out of my voice.

"That's great." I finally responded. Billy's head shot up and his eyes widened. "I like you too." Billy looked at me like I was going to pull the rug out from under him any minute.

"Y-you're j-j-just s-saying th-that." His stutter was getting worse and I quickly reached out and grabbed his hands. Neither of us noticed that Taber was watching our interaction with a smile on his face. "J-just f-f-forget I s-s-said a-any-anything."

"Billy, I'm being dead serious." I pulled him close. "I like you too." Billy looked at me, relief washing over his face as he locked eyes with me. "This is for real Billy. I like you. You like me. And we're confessing in front of the lions at a zoo." A fit of laughter came over me as I hugged Billy as tightly as I could.

"I-it's b-b-better th-than in f-front of N-n-nurse R-ratched." Billy said as he put his chin on the top of my head. "I w-would n-never m-make it it o-out of th-that." He hugged me tighter. "I sh-sh-shudder to th-think w-what sh-she w-would tell tell my m-m-mother." I looked up at Billy and shook my head.

"Don't worry about them Billy." I assured him. "I'll protect you." Billy nodded as he looked down at me and finally allowed a real smile to appear on his face. "I promise."

"S-sounds g-good." Taber clapping brought us out of our little world.

"Finally." He said as he hugged the two of us. "There were bets on when the two of you would finally admit there was something more there than just friendship." The three of us started the trek back to the front of the zoo where the bus was waiting to take us back to the institution. "Looks like I just won." Billy and I laughed at Taber as we reached the gates.

"G-glad w-we c-could h-help." Billy said as he followed Taber onto the bus. I laughed as I took my seat next to Billy. As we settled in for the long ride back, I leaned against Billy and closed my eyes. With Billy's arm around me and his chin on top of my head, I drifted off to sleep. 

Stuttering AnxietyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz