"See you at Christmas," Chloe muttered against them before she pulled herself away and grabbed her things.

"Love you!" she heard from both of them as she headed towards the train.

"Love you more!" Chloe called back just as she got to the entrance of the steam engine. One of the conductors took her bags, owl and all, and they disappeared from her sight. So Chloe willed herself onto the train, glancing back at her parents and giving them an excited wave before she pulled herself up the steps, and into a car with rows and rows of cabins. She was suddenly glad she'd brought a book.

Chloe had gotten there quite early, at least twenty minutes before the train departed, so it wasn't hard to find an empty compartment. She sat by herself in her surprisingly comfortable flared jeans and turtleneck sweater. She had robes for school, but like most of the students around, they were packed away, and she'd put them on closer to the school. She really didn't mind the new school, she just hated to be new five years into school. She had to be rehoused and find new classes, and try to transfer credits. It was odd, and it was difficult, but the headmaster, Dumbledore was his name, was more than accommodating. She had yet to meet this Dumbledore, but she had heard great things from anyone who would talk about him.

When the train started moving, Chloe checked her watch. It was new, at least to her. A gift from her mom, a dainty gold watch. The time read exactly 11 a.m., just like her ticket had said. 11 a.m. and Chloe was still alone. She didn't know anyone, so it made sense that no one came to sit with her. Chloe took out her book and stretched her feet out on the seat, not knowing what else she could do for the long ride to school.

She swore she was only a few pages into the book when a knock at the compartment door grabbed her attention. Chloe felt a wave of relief when she recognized the girl at the door. It was the very same red-headed girl that had helped her find her way. Chloe closed her book as the girl slid the door slightly open.

"Can I come in?" the girl asked and Chloe nodded, setting the book down. Chloe tucked her feet in from the opposite seat to give the girl more room as she sat across from her. She had the kindest smile on her freckled face, Chloe felt it help her nerves. "Hi, I'm Lily," the girl, Lily, said. "Lily Evans," she told her as Chloe started to smile. A friend, at least she hoped. Her shoulders relaxed.

"Chloe," she said, "Carlisle," she added, like the girl had. Lily's face immediately looked puzzled. "Well, Chloe May Carlisle, my mom says it sounds better." Lily was looking at her like she had three heads.

"You sound American," Lily said. Chloe began to smile bigger.

"I am American," Chloe replied.

"Really?" Lily's face lit up. She was fascinated. "That's incredible, what are you doing here?"

"My family moved here over the summer," Chloe said, forgetting all about her book now that she had someone to talk to.

"So you were attending Ilvermorny until now, right?" Lily asked and Chloe's head tilted, she frankly didn't think anyone would know what Ilvermorny was.

"I was." Chloe smiled, she had enjoyed Ilvermorny. But she was still excited to have a new learning experience at Hogwarts. Lily, on the other hand, looked entirely enthralled by her old school.

"And they let you transfer?" Lily asked.

"Dumbledore insisted, and thank god for it," Chloe said and Lily beamed.

"He's a fantastic headmaster." She nodded, clearly excited that Dumbledore accepted a transfer. "It's not often you hear of wizarding school transfers," Lily pointed out, and Chloe had been thinking the exact same thing.

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