Levi x maid reader

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Word count: 1686
I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. It's a very soft sound to make sure I don't wake up my master but, I'm a soft sleeper anyways. I've always woken up easily. As I get myself dressed, I notice a paper slipped underneath my door. "It's from Levi? That's odd. I thought he went to bed early last night?" I muttered to myself quietly, making sure I don't wake Levi up. I picked up the small piece of paper and read it.

Dear Y/N
I appreciate all that you did for me tonight considering the cook is sick. I would like to treat you for dinner tomorrow night. I want you ready by 7:00pm tomorrow and I don't want you to be late. I made reservations for us so I expect you to be looking nice but also ready on time.
Sincerely, Levi

I know that I helped make dinner last night but I wasn't THAT nice! "Is he asking me out on a date?!?" I shout. "Shit. Levi's still asleep" I go to check his room to make sure I didn't wake him up but, he's not there? I get so frightened, scared that I slept in. Why would my master be awake at this time? I think to myself. I knock on Levi's office door. He answers "who is it?" "Y/N master" you could hear footsteps coming closer to the door. Levi opens it and greets you with a nice but tired smile. "I'm sorry that I slept in master. Is their anything I can do for you?" Levi furrows his eyebrows. "You know I was the one who let you sleep in right? It's fine, I thought you needed rest cause you were so productive last night, But anyways do you mind grabbing me some tea?" Your cheeks turned a dusty pink and you felt a bit dizzy. You were happy that you weren't in trouble but you've had such a huge crush on him for so long that it was odd seeing him face to face after him asking you out on a date. "Y/N? Are you okay? You look a little red sweetheart." Your heartbeat got faster and your cheeks turned more red. "Did he just call me sweetheart?" You said to yourself. "No sir, I'm okay. I will start making the tea right now." You quickly left the room and headed to the kitchen.

As Y/N left the room, I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful body. I've loved her for so long but i don't know how or when I'm going to tell her. She's been in my life for so long, and I can't get the thought of us being a couple out of my head. I hope she got the paper I slid underneath her door last night. I tried to make it less obvious that I was asking her out on a date, but from the way she was acting this morning I think she already figured that's what I was asking.

Approximately 15-20 mins later
Y/N came back with my tea. "Thank you Y/N" I said with a smile on my face. I'm always happy when I get to see her even if it's only when she brings my tea or cleans my office. "Of course sir. Is there anything else you need. If so I'd need you to tell me now because I'm cleaning your office today." That's great. That means I get to spend more time with her. I was so into my thoughts about her I didn't even answer her question. "Master?" She said in her soft voice. "Oh, Sorry Y/N. no I don't need anything but if I do I'll be sure to let you know." She's so beautiful. "Thank you Master. I will get to cleaning your office now." The smile on her face made my cheeks turn red and made them feel hot. As she twirled on her heel to go get the cleaning supplies, I got back to doing my paperwork. "God is she ever an angel."

"God is she ever an angel." I heard Levi say as soon as I walking in his office. "Was he talking about me? No, I don't think I'll ever be good for him." I say in my head. Disappointment written all over my face. "Hello sir, I'm back. Sorry for the wait." I hope he isn't gonna be mad at me that I heard that. "Oh, You startled me. It's okay. Just clean whatever needs cleaning and then you'll be good." He had a nervous, but genuine smile on his face. It warmed my heart a little. :) I started from the top of his bookshelf and made my way all the way down to the floor. As a maid, I needed everything dusted spotlessly. Especially for Levi, His cleaning standers are probably higher than mine. As I was bent over cleaning underneath the bottom shelf, I felt eyes on me. that bookshelf is almost on the floor that's how low it is and I could feel someone staring at me. Like someone's watching my every move. I look over at Levi and I notice him staring at my butt. He quickly looked away and so did I. My face turned bright red and I was scared that he was gonna get mad at me for getting sidetracked from cleaning his office. I went back to cleaning and just ignored what I saw.


As I was fixing my tie, I noticed that it was almost 7. "Shit. I gotta get ready fast" as I got ready I heard a small knock on my door. "Who is it?" "Y/N master, I am ready and waiting for you. I'll be waiting in the lounging room. "Okay. Just give me an extra five minutes." "Of course master" her voice is so angelic it reminds me of my mother's voice. So full of love but also shyness, as well as it's so beautiful and sexy at the same time. I walk downstairs to the lounging room and see Y/N in a beautiful long but fluffy F/C dress. The colour goes so well with her beautiful Y/H and I couldn't help but stare at how nice she looks and how lucky I am to have her in my life. "Are you ready master?" " yes I am. You can also drop the formalities. Just call me Levi" I said with a gentle smile on my face. "Okay, Levi" she said returning the smile. As I opened the door for her she opened the drivers side door for me. "You know you don't have to be a maid right now. Tonight is your time to relax." I was hoping that she would let me take care of her tonight. "Okay Levi. Thank you. This means a lot to me." She said with a beautiful smile with her cheeks dusted a light pink.

As we get to the restaurant Levi opens the door and holds my hand as we walk in. He's always know that I don't like it when guys are near me in public because men have tried to grab me and hit me or just grab my butt or boobs before so he stood behind me to make me more comfortable. That made me smile. :) "A table for two please. I've made a reservation" Levi said in his stern, almost mean tone to the lady at the front desk. "Your name sir?" She said in a more frightened tone. "Levi Ackerman."
"Right this way sir." Me and Levi both follow the lady down the hall filled with laughter, loud dishes clinking together, and people talking as people eat their food. We soon get to a small table with two chairs and two menus. "This is your table Mr. Ackerman and I am Petra and I will be your server today. I will be out in a moment but for now you should figure out what you'd like to drink." "Okay thank you" I said as the waitress walked away. "Y/N have you decided on what you want to drink?" Your hands were under the table cause they were cold and suddenly you felt Levi grab your hands and start massaging them from under the table. You feel dizzy again but get yourself together to make sure you don't faint. "Uhhm. I'll probably just get water." Levi looked at you concerned. "Are you okay Y/N? You look a bit pale." You decided just to blur it out at the restaurant (quietly obviously) "Levi, I've liked you for such a long time and I don't know what to do about it. I've literally fantasizes about sleeping with you and kissing you and helping you with your paperwork while we cuddle and- you were cut off by Levi kissing you. Making both of your lips clash together. "I feel the same way about you Y/N."

As Y/N gets undressed, I can't help but stare at her until she gets to her bra and underwear that's when I stop. I want to make sure she's comfortable, but also has her own privacy. She works her butt off for me after all. "Levi I'm so tired." She says before face planting onto my bed. "Then go to bed with me? Why would I make you stay up when you can have a nice rest." I say smiling to reassure her it's okay. "But Levi I'm still your maid. I still work for-" I cut her off. Putting my finger to her lips and then kissing her softly. "It's fine. Just go to bed it's not like you didn't clean today." As I said that Y/N was already drifting asleep in my arms. I placed a chaste kiss on her forehead as I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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