Witchcraft and Oujia boards

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Around nine or ten, my dad and step mom had begun getting interested in witchcraft, paganism, and Oujia boards. One day at Walmart, they found their first one in the same section as the board games, no joke! It glowed in the dark and we played with it all the time. At the time, we lived in an old farm house in the country. That started off well. My parents had rented it because before we moved there, we were in a trailer house and there were eight people total in the family and this farm house had four bedrooms and a very large yard.
Everything started out pretty normal, and we loved living there at first. We enjoyed more space, bigger yard, we were able to finally get a trampoline and swimming pool, a huge garden.
That joy was short lived. My family claimed to see ghosts and things of that nature. No one wanted to sleep in their own beds. It got to the point where we all just camped out on the floor. My aunt and cousins lived with us for a little while, and they also noticed unusual activity as well.
My family said they were beginning to see ghosts in different places and times around the house. My step mom saw dark shadows and heard footsteps around the house. She has also said that one morning she was trying to get out of bed, but couldn't. She said something had pulled the blankets over her head and wasn't able to move them and wasn't able to get up. At this time, she worked nights, and my siblings and I were at school. My dad had to be at work at four in the morning each day. There was no way anyone in the family could have done it. There was another incident where my siblings and I were gone for the weekend, and my dad had left the house one night. While he was gone, my step mom heard footsteps walking around the house. She saw what she thought was my dad walking around. My dad wasn't back home yet. A few minutes later, she heard the front door close. It was my dad coming back home. She told my dad she been trying to get his attention for a few minutes, but he told her he just walked in the door.
My brother has seen a little girl around my youngest sisters age at the time, around four years old. He said this girl would wake him up in the middle of the night asking him if he wanted to play. He would tell who he thought was my sister to go back to bed. She continued to stand there. Then he would get up and go into my sisters room and she would be asleep. By the time he would go back into his room, the girl would be gone.
Activity like this continued for several years, but got worse as time went on. This never happened before bringing that Oujia board into the house.
It got bad enough where my parents decided to buy a house and move. We had only lived in the farmhouse for about four years before moving.
Even after all of that, using the board continued. However, no activity like before was noticed. It was around 2012 or 2013, my dad began to get into Paganism and my step mom began to become interested in Wicca and joined a group with those beliefs and began traveling with other members of this group and met several others. Some claimed to be witches, which I thought was strange. I never really believed things like that were real, same with ghosts and things like that.
I grew up thinking living like this was normal. It was basically all I knew most of my life. So, therefore I thought it was normal and that was how life was supposed to be and I accepted it. I even joined the group they are still a part of. I have since then disconnected myself from those people.

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