chapter two

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we're nearly here, hogwarts that is. i'm exited but nervous all the same. what if they don't like me, i'm not like the others. oh dear it shall be incredibly embarrassing since i have to be sorted into my house

it will be in front of everyone with all the first years. considering i'm supposed to be a fourth year.

oh dear i remember how i told you about my parents. i don't recall ever explaining exactly what happened to them.

well as i ended last page i told you about how my parents changed. i'll never know how. but i have my suspicions, i've never told anyone before

that man. Voldemort. i just know he made them try to kill me i had a feeling, you see... every night he would leave the door open a crack but small enough so that all you could hear were mumbles

light flashed from the room they held the meetings in every now and again, i don't have the faintest idea what from. but i overheard them. i held one of our glasses up to the wall and if i closed my eyes and listened i could hear what they were talking about.

it seemed harmless. about a boy, harry, maybe his son? maybe his enemy? i'm not quite certain but it was simply about his whereabouts. hogwarts.

however voldemort did not know i existed. he was not aware i was even alive, so when he walked out the door and found me with a glass against the wall it must've been rather alarming

he looked straight at me for a good minute until mother walked out of the room. she saw me standing there.

i cant forget the look on her face when she saw that silly looking man draw out a stick from his pocket.

so afraid of what? a piece of wood... rather peculiar.

but as he drew it the top glowed with a black light. blacker than i've ever seen before. if i could describe it, i would say it was the lost souls of children crying for help.

that was probably just my imagination. i like to imagine.

my eyes fixated on the wand but he simply asked for my name. his voice was raspy and cold. i simply replied "Ophelia" since, well. it's my name

he grinned and flashed his twisty stick at my parents. the power of it was extraordinary as i flew back and hit the wall that's all i remember.

i lead myself to believe that my life turning upside own was his doing.

i woke up in my bed the next day and had breakfast as if nothing had happened. my parents were sweet to me and gave me extra syrup on my waffles.

as i went upstairs i looked in my mirror, for a second i thought i was a monster as this reflection of a man looked back at me. i examined him and i noticed he was the man who i saw yesterday. it was him i was sure of it

my hairbrush was on the side and i sat on my bed brushing my hair. i wasnt scared. but i was confused to say the least. my hairbrush was jolted out of my hands and the mirror seemed to eat it.

i screamed loud but no one came.

our house shone with a magical bright light and then everything's was silent. it was so still.

i've always been into fantasy books but i'm not sure if i was so keen anymore.

i heard thuds coming up the stairs in sync. i hid behind my bed. i remember being so certain this would be my end. but my door slammed open and mother and father stood there

they didn't look me in the eye. but i thought they had come from my scream, i hugged them however they did not do the same back, they felt cold and a sense of emptiness filled my body as i touched their skin.

my father, much stronger than me. shoved me hard into the floor. i spluttered as i got up stumbling. "father?" i remember asking him. "mud blood" i remember him replying. he pulled off parts of my wooden bed and threw them at me as if i were some target.

splinters of wood stuck into my arms and legs as i cried for my mother to help. her eyes were full of fear and terror. i know she wanted to help me. i was so sure. but she could not move.

i grabbed a part of my bed and flung it at my father, it helplessly flopped off him, rather unimpressive to say the least.

but he continued to fling wood splinters at me. i grabbed my mirror and threw it at him for my life. i hoped that it would just get him out of his trance but it smashed into his head.

shards of glass stuck into his eyes and head. i cant erase that image it is permanently in my mind.

my mother slowly walked towards me. tears streaming down her face, she was fighting it but i knew she was not strong enough. she pulled out a large kitchen knife from her pocket and held it straight at my stomach.

she sliced downwards as my body felt the most pain i had ever felt. tears were running down my face. i remember looking at my fathers body and my mothers one coming closer and closer.

my mother dropped the knife. if clanged against the floor. her hand gently stroked my cheek and she whispered from her lips "please"

it was almost as i knew exactly what she meant. she was going to kill me if she was alive. her eyes looked down at the knife as she fought off every thing inside her not to pick it up. i grabbed it and hesitated

she screamed.

i jammed it into her chest.

her body lay limp in my arms.

i remember crying for the whole night. holding my father and mother in hope that they would wake up.


it was always you. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ