Chapter 22

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<feel free to listen to music while you read>
Shinso's POV

I. Was. Furious. After Izuku cried in my chest for over a half hour he said that he was going to take a walk. I offered to go but he told me he'd be ok on his own. So now I was on my way to kick Bakugo's ass. I never really liked him, I always thought he was kind of an asshole. I had never thought he would mess with people's feelings the way he did. What did he think Midoriya would be a girl forever or something?! It's Midoriya for God's sake!! He finds a way out of every situation!! I storm though the 1-A hero dorms going to Bakugo's room. A few people asked me what I was doing but I didn't answer. I got to his room and banged on his door. He opened it up with a look of surprise and confusion.

"What the hell did you say to Izuku?!" I screamed in his face, a look of shock now on his face "He would literally do ANYTHING for you and you just throw him away like a toy or something?!" People start to walk around the corner to see what's happening. Kirishima walks up to us to try and find out what's going on.

"Hey how about we try and calm down a bit and then have a civilized conversation?" He says anxiously.

"Do you want to fight or something, eye bags?!" Bakugo yells at me with anger and another unidentified emotion.

"Of course I do! But I wont because us fighting is only going to hurt Midoriya more than you already have!" I yell back.

"Then why the hell did you come here!?" He says back seeming much calmer.

"I just want to know why you would even ask him out if you never really cared about him?" I say like venom on my tongue. This seemed to strike a nerve. Because all of a sudden everyone went silent. Kirishima then started to usher everyone to their rooms. He gave Bakuhoe a look that pretty much said 'tell him or else' then left with everyone else.

"Fine I'll talk to you, but I'm not gonna repeat myself so you better listen" he says before opening the door more and letting me though. I sit down at the desk in his room and wait for him to say something as I secretly hit the record button on my phone.

"Listen, I-I do like Izuku it's just..... after what had happened at the mall.... I just.... umm....." he sighed I  could tell be was having a hard time talking about this "He had offered to come to the grocery store with me and I refused. It's not that I don't love him it's just if he had stayed with me he never would have gotten hurt. I don't want to see him get hurt and if it were up to me he would always be with me and he wouldn't become a hero because of how dangerous it is, but I can't take that dream away from him. He needs someone that will help him move forward not hold him back.... and I know that yelling at him was stupid, impulsive, and hurtful I just didn't know what to do......" he sounded like he was also hurting. I could tell he really cares about Izuku he just absolutely sucks at basic human emotions and how to deal with them.

"Well I think you should tell Midoriya all this" I say in a blunt but caring way "the sooner the better. Midoriya thinks you hate him. If you tell him exactly what you told me the chances are you relationship won't be totally ruined" he gives me a nod while looking at the ground. I give him a friendly pat on the back before Exiting the room.

Now if he somehow messes this up I'm just gonna send Izuku the recording. Boy am I a genius or what? Although their is always the chance Midoriya still won't take him back, but I have a hard time believing that he would do that.


Hope you liked this chapter!! If you did then plz vote!! And leave a comment if you have any suggestions or ideas!! Have a wonderful day/night!!

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