𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 3

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Although jeongwoo was being sincere in his words, doyoung wasn't exactly. In the past, there were a few times when he wondered if they actually meant what they said or if it was a joke. He shook it off each time. Even in the shower earlier. But he didn't completely lie. Because he didn't feel very hurt. His love for the members was far too great to get offended by little things over.

The members were dismissed and all went to their specific rooms. Despite the fact that what jeongwoo and doyoung said assured the members, the members couldn't help but feel a little guilty while going to bed.

The next day, the members acted as usual and were on their way to the company. As they got out of the van, they saw multiple reporters and journalists surrounding them as well as fans. 

"Doyoung-ssi is it true that you bullied your classmates?" One of them asked.

"What do you have to say to the bully victim??" another asked, pushing the first reporter.

There were about 20 fans standing behind the reporters, holding up boards saying:





The members were all extremely confused and worried about what was happening. Doyoung read the sign boards held up by the "fans", as he felt as if his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. 

Thanks to the security, treasure was managed to safely get into their practise room.

"what was that all about?" Mashiho asked, panting.

Junghwan pulls out his phone. He covers his mouth with his hand. "w-what is all this..?" He asks, shocked.

"whats wrong?" haruto asked as he snatched junghwan's phone. His eyes widen. He looks at doyoung with a worried and concerned look on his face. "t-they're saying doyoung hyung is a school bully.."


"wait wait theres a video." junkyu said. The members, including doyoung, gathered around the phone. 

They were shocked. A video of someone strikingly similar to doyoung pushing another student against the wall and pouring milk over him, while smoking, had a 100,000 views already.

Doyoung slowly backed away, out of disbelief of what he just saw. "please tell me you all believe me when i say that is not me..." tears well up in his eyes.

The members rush towards him and hug him.

"of course we don't believe it..." yedam said.

Doyoung loses it as he cries and drops to the ground. 

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