Tag #1

139 11 75

@garbagethecat tagged me a while ago, so I'm doing it now xd

Have you ever:

1. Kissed someone? No 😔

2. been drunk? Yes

3. Cried yourself to sleep? Many times

4. Self-harmed? Perhaps

5. Felt lonely? Always

6. Been depressed? Still am

7. Smoked? Nopee

What's your:

8. Age? 17

9. Birthday? Sept 8 2003

10. Status? Single unfortunately

11. Biggest fear? Probably heights or abandonment

12. Dream job? I don't have a dream job I just hope to have a stable life

13. Dream car? I don't really care about cars but I really want one of those Volkswagen bus things

14. Dream house? Again doesn't matter to me

Do you:

15. Like someone? I don't think so

16. Love someone? Hyunjin ofc sksdj

17. Have a boy/girlfriend? No

18. Want a boy/girlfriend? Yes ofc

19. Have a tattoo? No, I wish

20. Have a piercing? My ears are pierced that probably counts

21. Party? Hell no I'm too anxious for parties


22. Artist? Stray Kids 😎

23. Movie? I can't pick just one

24. Song? Hello Stranger by skz but that'll change

25. TV series? I have a lot of shows that I like but I'll say ATLA

26. Animal? Cats💕💞❤💖💗💝

27. Book? idk I can't pick favourites easily

28. Colour? Green💚

This or that?

29. Twitter or Facebook? Twitter ofc

30. Twitter or Instagram? I like both but I use Twitter more lately

31. Facebook or Instagram? Instagram 

32. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi😎

33. Tea or coffee? Neither-

34. Tacos or pizza? You can't make me choose 

Would you ever:

35. Get married? Probably

36. Have kids? Maybe but only from adopting

37. Swim with sharks? Hell no I already hate the ocean as it is

38. Share a banana? I mean I guess so? I don't understand-

39. Eat rotten food? N o

40. Marry a foreigner? idk doesn't matter to me

41. Smoke pot? Yes

I won't tag anyone bc I don't wanna annoy anyone and most ppl probably already did this one lol

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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