Staying in this empty house will drive me to insanity.

A walk around the town usually clears my mind, the warm sun on my skin, the blue sky, the flowers in bloom. It's all peaceful.
Usually when Miles is here we walk around, we plan meals together and pick up the ingredients from local vendors. He doesn't notice the kinds of looks they give me as we pass, I prefer it that way. Blissful ignorance. If he doesn't notice we can pretend everything is perfectly normal, like I'm perfectly fine, because I am.

That's exactly what I need, a nice long walk.

Walking out of the front door I'm immediately hit with the bright Sun in my eyes and the smell of fresh fruit, when my eyes adjust to the bright light I can see the trees and their green leaves, the townspeople running errands, and the flowers that have recently bloomed. Children are running around and playing as their mothers scold them for running off too far, it makes me long for a child of my own.

Pushing that thought to the side and starting my walk, the breeze feels nice and hearing the chatter of the townspeople makes all the noise in my mind quiet down.
The stalls are busy today, everyone seems so lively. Why can't I be the same way?

The sun warms my skin yet the cool spring breeze balances it out, Miles would enjoy this weather.

After a few hours of wandering around town, checking out shops, making small talk with a few of the townspeople, and appreciating the scenery; it started to get dark out. I decided it's time to head back home, the cool spring breeze was no longer comforting and for whatever reason that feeling of unease came back. Even though I tried to ignore it there was a gut feeling that something was wrong.

Before I knew what was happening someone grabbed my wrist. I tried to struggle out of the grasp but it didn't work. I was dragged into an alleyway and screaming was pointless, it was late at night and nobody would hear as my mouth was quickly covered. Time seemed to stop in that moment, I didn't have the strength to fight back, my body froze with fear. Even if it was pointless I still tried to scream for help but my voice was muffled. I was being held down and the grip on my arms was so tight it could leave a bruise. Eventually I couldn't think straight due to how much pain I was in, not much comes to mind when you feel a blade slice you open.

My eyes begin to close as my body feels like it's being ripped apart, only then does something bright shine on my face.

I jolt awake.

My body aches but besides that everything seems fine. It must've been a dream then. I should get better about my drinking habits. Although.. the pain felt real. Unbearably so.

Before continuing to think about how much my body was aching I looked around, finding myself in an unfamiliar and relatively empty room. The bedside table was dusty and a hairpin like the one Miles gave me laid atop it. Maybe I drank myself to sleep again? can't recall.

my attention drifted over to the singular window, it was a bright day out and the curtains were drawn back. Besides the bedside table and a desk; the room was practically empty.

Even after trying to piece things together nothing comes to mind. Where is this exactly? How did I end up in an unfamiliar place? After slowly sitting up in bed my body continued to scream out in pain as if begging me to lay back down but my desire to figure out where I am is stronger than the desire to rest.

Exiting the bedroom and looking down the hall I notice a few dark portraits, none of which were recognizable. It felt as if the eyes were following my every move.

Walking felt painful, my legs felt as if they'd give out any minute now.

When walking down the stairs I had to cling to the handrail, legs wobbling with each step I took.

After a slow walk down the stairs it led to a lounge room where there were many bizarre looking strangers, some looked like spirits, perhaps this was another dream?

Hesitantly I tap a man on his shoulder and when he turns around it reveals he has no face. This is absolutely a dream. Only then did I notice he has blades for fingers and back up slightly.

"W-where is this? I need to find my way home." my voice shook. The man looked down at me and replied "You won't be going anywhere."

"Pardon?" This man has to be fooling with me. This is all a big joke that I'm just not understanding.

Getting stabbed was just a dream and waking up in this strange place is just that,another dream.

yet the way my hands tremble, the way my heart pounds, and the way my legs feel like giving out feels real.

"You ended up here just as we have, you are no longer human nor are you dead. Consider this an odd in between, a way to get things back. A chance to redeem yourself. Once you enter you cannot leave until you win."
This makes no sense.

I might as well humor this man.

"How do I win?" This is just a dream. Wake up.
The man may not have eyes or a mouth yet you can somehow see a faint expression of amusement.

"Why would I tell you that? We all have things we need, things we want. If you win what if I can't?" He adds on, "I'm not going to tell you how to play this game. Learn it yourself."

Learn what myself? What am I supposed to win?

My eyes dart around to the other guests in the room, they're all unique in an unsettling way. Most of them look dead, others look alive yet their features look wrong. I need to get out of here.

Adrenaline pumps through my body and gives me enough strength to run even though my body is screaming out in pain, even though it feels like my skin has been sliced multiple times, even though I'm sure I'm dreaming.

I check every door in sight, its just endless.

Soon enough my legs finally give out and I end up falling to the tiled floor. My body shakes and the room feels small; crowded. Everyone is circled around me, exchanging glances and small whispers.

Even after searching for as long as my body would let me, it just felt like running in circles.

I checked every room possible and there wasn't a single exit.

Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

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