my first day

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its was the 27th of september 2020, i had been trying to shift realities for two weeks. i decided to attempt to shift again. only this time it actually happened. i used the raven method and i eventually fell asleep and woke up in a four poster wooden bed with a red blanket over me and 5 other people getting ready for classes whilst hermione was telling me to get up or i will be late. i looked in the mirror and notice i looked completely different. i was short, i had a pretty face, a perfect body and long brown hair. i quickly got dressed, somehow i knew what i was doing and rushed to class. my first class was potions, i had no idea what time it was, i was just overwhelmed at the fact i had successfully shifted and i was in a completely different reality to my own. i didn't even notice draco was in the class until 30 minutes into the lesson. i couldn't take my eyes off of him. he noticed i was staring at him and he let off an intimidating frown.

lunchtime came and i had realised that everyone in this school likes me. i felt really confident that day as i don't have much in my cr. everything was perfect. but just as i began walking to my divination class, without looking, i walk into draco's shoulder. "watch it mudblood". i see him facing me with crabbe and goyle, standing there each side of him like bodyguards. even though i am a pure blood, that confused me. he begins to walk away laughing and i turn around furiously, tap his shoulder and say "im not even a mudblood, whats it matter to you if i am anyway?" i paused whilst he continued to laugh "listen" i go closer to him "if you ever speak that word under my name again, i will shove that wand so far up your arse you'll be able to taste it. don't even think about it or i will do something far worse than insult you..." draco immediately stops laughing and gives me a dirty look, taking a u-turn away from me. i felt so good after that, as if all my confidence had shown itself, i felt powerful. although i did feel a sense of guilt.

shifting to hogwarts, my shifting experience Where stories live. Discover now