Meet Hunter Kenway

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Name-Hunter Kenway

Age-???(Immortal but looks 15)

Love Interest-Hinami



Superior Strength

Superior Speed

Superior Senses

Superior Durability

Superior Reflexes

Superior Intellect

Superior Regeneration

Best Friends-

Hide(Met through Kaneki)

Hide Love Interest-Ayato

Kaneki(Met at Anteku)

Kaneki Love Interest-Touka

Hinami(Met at Anteku)

Hinami Love Interest-Hunter

Ayato(Known since childhood)

Ayato Love Interest-Hide



Ayato(Adopted Brother)

Touka(Adopted Sister)

Hide(Adopted Brother in law through Ayato)

Kaneki(Adopted Brother in law through Touka)


(Normally)Calm, Collected, Loveable, and Nice

(When with Hinami in private)Charming, Perverted, Loves groping her ass or breast to see her reactions,Dominating, Sadistic, Loving and Kind.

(When Fighting)Rash, Calm, Collected, Merciless, and terrifying.


(Known)His Friends, His Adopted Sister and Brother, Hinami and sleeping

(For Hinami)Ass, Breast, Blowjobs, Sex, Thighs, Dominating Hinami, Biting, Cuddling, S&M, titjobs and absolutely loves to hear her moans. 

Hates:When bad guys make others do their dirty work, When his friends and family get in harms way, traitors (Sees Touka as a traitor for now like in the show with how her brother sees her at first), When people think they know him, When people jump to conclusions.

Eye colors meaning-


Pitch black with a red dot-Hinami is hurt and he's going to kill the ones who hurt her

Void of nothingness-You better run like a fucking cheetah on drugs or your dead

Tokyo ghoul x Male Immortal OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя